Friday 12 July 2024


I'll do the maintenance myself, There's an advantage to people thinking you're dead ! 

The above quote is from the Book of Boba Fett, talking about his ship Slave-1, and I've now finished my version of it.

I enjoyed the painting, but the hardest part was finding multiple angle shots of the same version, as the paintwork seems to change slightly every time it makes an appearance, so in the end, I went with an approximation that I was happy with. I do still need to work out a flying stand, but that's a project for another day ! LOL

Below is two of the reference pictures I used to help.

It looked okay in just the basic colours, but the weathering glazes really gave it life in my opinion. So what next, well you'll have to wait till next time, so until then, stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave 


  1. That looks spot on Dave! Absolutely perfect.

    1. Thank you Michael, in the end I went for the engines powered up, in the hopes I can work out a flying stand ! LOL Most of the conversion work to change from the toy to this, was relatively easy, apart from under the engines which was a lot of work, but I felt was worth it.

  2. Looks great, Dave! I would have never guessed it started as a toy, your hard work paid off! I know what you mean about references changing, but I think it is particularly worse in Star Wars where things have crossed multiple mediums (film, comics, video games, etc.).

    1. Thank you Brian, don't get me wrong the toy element gave me a great basis with all the relevant shapes, and the job would have been a million times harder without it, just wanted to add the extra bits that were missing to bring it more in line with the reference. You're not wrong about the different mediums, and even series versus film can be a huge difference, and finding reference pictures of all the sides from one film can be difficult ! LOL

  3. What a lovely refurbishing. Delightful work!

    1. Thank you Suber, it was fun to do, as it made me try a lot of different techniques.

  4. Very nice work on Slave I! The chipping and weathering really paid dividends and gives it that Star Wars look. I would say your patience and attention to detail really paid off!

    1. Thank you Jeff, I think the researching and hunting for the right reference took as long as the actual painting did ! LOL

  5. Wonderful work, Dave. The effort has most certainly been worth it. Looking forward to seeing it in flight after all this effort.

    1. Thank you Simon, I'm looking forward to it having some flight time also, hopefully on a stand that doesn't drop it ! LOL

  6. Looks really good, maybe set up the stand like how X-Wing miniatures does it?

    1. Thank you SD, I have been looking at that one, and also some stands for the larger Palitoy version, it may be a combination between the two, once I've sorted it, will post it up.

  7. Looks great to me. Especially the glowing engine effects. 😀

    1. Thank you Stewart, the engines became a lot easier with a couple more yellows I added to arsenal recently, which covers the gradients needed nicely.

  8. John@justneedsvarnish17 July 2024 at 09:19

    Nice work on the finish and weathering, Dave! :-) Well done filling/hiding that gap around the cockpit glazing!

    1. Thank you John, the painting was actually fun to do, and try new things. Once I had it glued in place, there was only three small bits to fill, but as you say makes it look complete.

  9. Looks fantastic, Dave! The chipped paint and weathering look spot on!

    1. Thank you Azazael, some of it was guess work, as I couldn't get all the angles from one source ( Empire, Mandalorian or Book of Boba Fett) but was happy with the end result.

    2. Like most things as far as Star Wars props go, I'm sure there are half a dozen "canon" variants that are all supposed to be the exact same thing unchanged from example ot example!

    3. That is very true mate, I tried to work with pictures from Empire, as that is the closest to the time period I'm aiming for.
