Friday 5 July 2024


 For my first entry for the Season of Scenery, I've gone for a simple painting of a TIE Bomber, my children got me this 3D print for Fathers Day, and it is good to get it painted and keep up to date on my models.

I tried a new way to fill the ridges on the fuselage by putting a layer of liquid greenstuff over it, and then sanding it down before painting, to be honest I should have done a second layer, but got impatient ! LOL This could be a good way of filing in lines on 3D prints, the only drawback is you need a fresh pot of liquid greenstuff, as once it's open it starts drying out. I left off the heavy weathering on the paintwork as not to highlight the ridges that remain. That's all for todays post, so until next time, stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave


  1. Wow Dave, that's a hefty bit of kit. Nice idea to reduce some of the print lines as well.

    1. Thank you Michael, have been trying to think of a filler to help reduce print lines, and had tried high build primer with some positive results, but felt it needed something stronger, while looking at the lines my pot of liquid green came into eyeshot, and I thought I wonder ! LOL Always like to pass on these experiments if they help. The model is a good size and seems to fit well with the Legion scale.

  2. That looks fab Dave! It turned out really well.

    1. Thank you Simon, still got another two TIE's I'm on the lookout for ! LOL

  3. John@justneedsvarnish5 July 2024 at 12:31

    Very nice, Dave! :-) I've used Vallejo plastic putty, wiped over after putting it on to spread it about and then sanded when it was dry.

    1. Thank you John, I'll have a look for some, as I'm always looking for other products.

  4. That's gorgeous! I'm curious about the liquid greenstuff, did you experience any issues when sanding it? Does it hold up reasonably?

    1. Thank you Suber, I couldn't find my wet and dry paper, so had to use my file, and it held up to that, as there was a definite green tinge and lines all over, as I experiment more I'll keep you posted.

  5. That is one of the cooler looking ships in the Empire's armada. It looks like it was pretty straightforward to paint up as well. Will you apply any weathering to it? I can make an argument both for and against it so I wouldn't blame you either way.

    1. Thank you Jeff, my favourite is the TIE Interceptor, but this one comes in a close second on the TIE's. Where I ran out of liquid green on the wings, there are too many deep ridges to apply weathering, which is a shame as I would like to.

  6. I love it. 😀
    Needs a clear flight stand so it can hover over the ground.

    1. Thank you Stewart, thinking of having an Imperial outpost, and a set of TIE's landed there, but will also look into getting a flight stand for it as well.

  7. I was just thinking how smooth that TIE looks for a 3D print, and then you explain it with your greenstuff and sanding technique, LOL!! Even so, that still looks the absolute business, with plenty of detail etc, and your paint-job is first class, Dave.

    1. Thank you Simon, every time I get a 3D filament print, I try new ways to reduce the lines, so far, High Build Primer, with wet and dry, painting in the opposite direction of the filament to help fill with paint, and now liquid green, shall continue trying until I find a way to eliminate the ridges completely ! LOL

  8. That is a fair old lump mate, very nicely done though 😉.

    Cheers Roger

    1. Thank you Roger, when I got it I was worried it would be too small, like a previous one I got, but was pleasantly surprised it was just the right scale, but as you say a large lump to get painted ! LOL

  9. Very nice looking bomber, any big plans for it? Also I’ve found that you can sort of reactivate liquid green stuff once dry with a bit of water, it actually helps sometimes as it makes a paste that can be more accurate.
