Monday 4 March 2024


 Today I've got the last of the pillars I did for my client, these were done a while ago, but I was busy posting up my entries for Paint What You Got, so are posting now. The first one is a nod to the classic scene from the original Conan The Barbarian movie when Thorgrim misses Conan's head with his hammer, and hits the pillar instead.

This next one is my interpretation of what happens when a minotaur misses it's target and hits a pillar instead.

These next two are intact pillars with snow on them.

The last six, are for an underground cavern, so no snow but with gargoyles decorating the tops instead.

The gargoyles come from my range which made it quicker to do than having to carve six new ones. That's all for today's post, so until next time stay safe and have fun !

Cheers Dave


  1. John@justneedsvarnish4 March 2024 at 05:30

    Very nice, Dave! :-) I like the "bashed" bits and the snow on them! And that's a good collection of gargoyles!

    1. Thank you John, the snow areas were all done with green stuff to build up the relevant bulk, then painted in different shades before adding snow flock over the top, the bashed bits were fun to do. I would make more gargoyles to add to the range if I sold more, so maybe that's something I can add down the line ! LOL

  2. Very cool, both the battle damage and the snow effects look very realistic. What material did you use to make the pillars? Styrofoam?

    1. Thank you snapfit, the pillars were made from the high density insulation foam, as you can carve and sand it easily, plus you can press in details like the crack lines, or even pick out sections like the damage areas

  3. Nice! They all look quite natural, now you can build a whole cloister!

    1. Thank you Suber, at some point I think I need to make some that I cast, who knows what I'll do next ! LOL

  4. Those pillars really hold up.
    Sorry, I was trying hard for something clever and that's the best I could do. 😁

    1. Thank you Stewart, don't worry I appreciated the humour ! LOL

  5. Pillars are always super useful to make good looking dungeons, and these will do a great job with that.

    1. Thank you SD, at some point I should make some for myself or the company or both ! LOL

  6. I do like your gargoyles, Dave - having bought and painted a good few in my time, LOL!! They look excellent alongside the pillars too. Really enjoy your sculpting posts - not a skill I have in any way. :-)

    1. Thank you Simon, I do remember you getting several sets of those ! LOL These are more wood working skills than sculpting, and to be honest, I have never been great at woodwork ! LOL Thankfully the foam is more forgiving than wood ! LOL

  7. Very nice work on the pillars and I appreciate your inspiration for them too! Having some damage on them really ups the realism as well.

    1. Thank you Jeff, I think it's the trick with scenery, points of interest, that help tell a story, but not being the centre of it, that role is left for the characters.

  8. Nice work on the columns. I especially like the ones with the gargoyles! What are the columns made of?

    1. Thank you Brian, I do like the gargoyles as well. The columns were made from the high density insulation foam, like the stuff you made your dungeon tiles from.
