Thursday 7 March 2024


 Over 11 years ago I got a large box of models as part of a bigger trade, not knowing what I was going to do with it, it has remained just a box of miniatures during 2 house moves, until now. So what was in the box you ask, Lord of the Rings models, mostly from the evil side, but there was also some heroes in there as well. Now I haven't painted a lord of the Rings model, since it's original release, and even then I painted the few that the staff didn't want to paint, so not many at all ! LOL I'm currently deciding what to do with them all, but the first thing has been fixing any problems, getting rid of seamlines and generally prepping them for painting, at least they're not drenched in paint and need striping as well ! LOL I have actually got a couple already finished as well, first up is the big bad himself Sauron, even with the size of the model, there was no way I'd be able to do all the intricate scroll work that is covering his armour, so went with trying to get the darkness right to his armour.

Next we have Saruman the white, which was actually a pretty straight forward model to do, which totally surprised me.

These will all probably end up on Ebay, but if anyone spots a model they are interested in of the course of the posts, either leave a comment, or email me at the business email. That's all for today, so until next time stay safe and have fun !

Cheers Dave


  1. Cool work on both, it's a nice contrast between black and white patterns, and I think it's a great work. I have those minis, but have been thinking of repainting Sauron for quite some time, I may follow your lead!

    1. Thank you Suber, they were both relatively quick to paint, Sauron taking a bit longer, not just because of his size, but the constant highlighting of the metals and redarkening each time with a wash or glaze ! LOL I look forward to seeing what you do with yours.

  2. Nice job!
    Looking to rid yourself of some LOTR figs?
    I’m usually on the lookout for LOTR figs. Especially GW ones.
    Maybe we coulda talka some bizness.
    I can’t find the business email but you can email me at
    Stewart DOT blain AT the g and the mail. 😀

    1. Thank you Stewart, I have sent you an email, but do check your spam folder as my emails often end up there ! LOL

  3. I think the Sauron has to be one of my favourite GW figures of all time, Dave, and you've done a terrific job on him. I've painted the Saruman the white too - which I loathed on account of the varnish frosting over it and making everything milky-white. Good stuff with your one though.

    1. Thank you Simon, I was lucky enough to see the armour close up at a exhibition, and was amazed at all the scroll work etched in to every panel, but knew there was no way to show it at this scale. It's always a pain when varnish ruins all your hard work ( which is why I don't use it !)

  4. Well of all the minis for you to produce out of a mysterious box, I would not have guessed they would be LOTR! These both look very nice and I think someone will be happy to take them off your hands. I have a few that I'm going to look to move this year so hopefully we both can make some good sales!

    1. Thank you Jeff, it's not something I've painted a massive amount of, but with what I've learned on my Star Wars minis they've been fun to do ! Hopefully we can both clear the models we want to sell this year, and maybe get some new models as well ! LOL

  5. Those are some good looking minis, I hope they find a good home!

    1. Thank you SD, they have been an interesting exercise, and wherever they end up, I hope they get a lot of enjoyment out of them.

  6. John@justneedsvarnish10 March 2024 at 11:26

    These are really nice, Dave! :-) They're actually minis I've not seen before (I know, I need to get out more)!

    1. Thank you John, glad you like them. I wouldn't worry about not recognising models as you have shown many, including sci-fi models that I say exactly the same about ! LOL The joy of following so many different blogs means we get to see many models we would otherwise know nothing about ! LOL

  7. Lovely pair of LOTR figures, I'm sure you'll have no trouble moving them on!
    Best Iain caveadsum1471

    1. Thank you Iain, hopefully so, as I have a lot more to show yet ! LOL

  8. Great looking models, Dave! I like the paints on Saruman's cloak. :)

    1. Thank you Brian, lot's of mixing of paints to try and replicate the movie reference ! LOL
