Monday 11 March 2024


 As promised here is the roundup from this years challenge, we have had some returning participants as well as some new ones for this challenge, and a big thank you to everyone who took part, as you are all what makes this challenge worthwhile, and to everyone that helped support each of the bloggers.

thewargamingerratic new to this challenge and he also joined the AHPC for the first time and pulled double duty, cleared some units that needed finishing.

justneedsvarnish John joined in again and cleared a variety of projects.

doubledowndice Brian returned again, and got some models for his Dungeon & Dragons games.

kuribospainting Jeff is back again and got multiple gaming models finished, but you should check out the large scale model he is currently working on as well.

markamorin Mark added some more units for his wars of Ozz gaming, which he has already used at a games event, where he ran 10 games ( no small feet in itself !)

dagreenhorde snapfit has also been working on some Dungeons & Dragons characters.

convertordie Wudughast joined in this year and painted a wide variety of models.

fantorical Simon has completed a wide variety of subjects.

azazelx Azazael joined in late, but still managed a large number of excellently painted models.

and then there was me, where I managed to get a few models off the painting table.

The eagle eyed of you may notice that I forgot to include my N1 Starfighter in my group shot, and to be honest I ran out of space ! LOL Again a huge thank you to all who took part and all that helped support the event on the respective blogs. If you want to see more pictures check out their respective blogs through the links.

That's all for this post, so until next time stay safe and have fun !

Cheers Dave


  1. Oh, wow, really some quite interesting stuff! Thanks for sharing them all!

    1. No problem Suber, every year I'm surprised by the quantity, quality, and diversity of everything everybody does.

  2. well done everybody! good job to you Dave for organizing the challenge.

    1. Thank you Stewart, they have outdone themselves again this year, as long as I remember to grab the pictures as the event goes along, it's not too much work ! LOL

  3. So many great entries! Thanks for hosting the challenge again, Dave!

    1. You are most welcome snapfit, and thank you for being a part of it, as without all of you, it's just me painting some models ! LOL

  4. Great range of figures painted, well done for coordinating it all!
    Best Iain caveadsum1471

    1. Thank you Iain, the diversity that is shown each year is what keeps the challenge interesting for me, and if my memory holds up collecting the pictures as they're shown isn't too taxing ! LOL

  5. John@justneedsvarnish14 March 2024 at 07:58

    Loadsa nice stuff there, Dave! :-) I think my favourite is General Kala! Quite a bit done by everyone, so thanks for hosting the challenge (and the mention)!

    1. You are most welcome on the mention John, and indeed lots of high quality work, of such a diverse nature as well.

  6. Thank you for putting this together and as I say and mean every year, the quality and variety in the work is very inspiring to see. We've got a talented bunch in this community! :)

    1. No problem Jeff, happy to keep running these challenges while I'm able to. You're spot on with all the talented people we associate with on the blogs, and such a diverse subject matter as well, always shows models we may have never seen before.

  7. What an awesome output in both quality and quantity! There's enough there to run our own Gleaming Daemon Competition! ;)

    Thanks again for hosting, Dave. I look forward to joining again next year!

    1. You are most welcome Brian, and it's everyone that takes part that makes it such a success, Gleaming Daemon worthy every single one ! LOL
