Monday 1 July 2024


 My sale of Lord of the Rings models, has been going well, which has provided some additional funds towards getting some more models for my Star Wars project, first up today is a Ronto crewed by Jawas, to represent the one seen in one of the additional scenes on the entrance into Mos Eisley, and yes it does have a Jawa dangling off the side, I did remove the guns, as I didn't need them all armed.

I also got this Jawa, who's obviously been foraging well with how full his sack is ( Or stealing, he is a Jawa after all ! LOL)

Next up are some models that i found, that look very much like AT-RT drivers, and a welcome addition to my Imperial forces.

The sixth model that came in the set looked more like an officer, so I went for the black outfit.

Last today are some AT-DP pilots, if you watched Star Wars Rebels, these did multiple roles on Lothal, including riding around on bikes, so I might need to get some more of these.

Still need to find AT-AT pilots, and some TIE pilots, but may just convert the Inferno squad for these. That's all for this post, so until next time, stay safe and have fun !

Cheers Dave