Thursday 11 April 2024


 This week I have been working flat out on multiple painted orders, so have nothing to show model wise, so thought I'd use the time to talk about a couple of things I've noticed recently.

As I comment on multiple different platforms, I've come across a few issues, some are constantly trying to make me resign in, annoying but not a problem, but one platform is causing me issues, so some of the blogs you can like a reply, but for some reason, it doesn't show up when I log in, so it looks like I'm being rude and not liking a responding comment. The blogs this is happening on, is Guru Pigs (used to work, but has since disappeared), Alex's, Wudughasts, and Roger's. So I apologise to all concerned, and I am not ignoring you, if any one knows of a solution please let me know.

The next issue I am currently dealing with is the icons disappearing from my own blog, so I can not add peoples blog's to my blog list, so It's not that you don't deserve to be in it, just that I don't know how to solve this problem, any advice on this problem would be greatly appreciated.

The last thing today is a comment I read, which started me thinking. The basics of it was that their output wasn't as big as other peoples. All of us paint at different speeds, we all paint at different levels and styles, and should never judge what we do, against what others do, as we all have different amounts of free time available, and commitments that we need to sort first. I always try and take inspiration from others, on the way they paint, or the amount they get through, or both, but never judge myself against them, as it's not a competition, I see the blogosphere as more of a support network, where you can interact with like minded people from all over the world, gain good advice to solve problems or elevate your game, and then there are always the challenges to help motivate to get projects finished. In closing I would say use the blogs as a resource, rather than a stick, it will help your mental health.

That's all for this post, next time hopefully I will have some models to show, instead of ramblings, so until next time stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave


  1. Sorry to hear about the blogging issues. I think Wordpress is having a few bugs right now. I remember posting one day, and my post got eaten. I figured it was random, but the same thing happened again and I could see my post for a brief second. When I refreshed, it was gone. I also had issues where I tried to Like something repeatedly, and kept having issues with it not sticking.

    I think comparisons are inevitable. Would I like my output to be at the quality of Kuribo's display pieces with the speed of Azazel's output? Sure, why not?! But we're all different with different priorities. I used to look for ways to speed up my painting, because I thought there must be something I'm doing that is making me slower. If you listen to any of the YouTube bloggers, there are a million tricks to make you paint 100% faster!! 'Just click here and subscribe now and don't forget to smash the Like button!!' Unh huh...usually it amounts to painting skeletons with contrast paints. So yea, there are little things that can help, but ultimately I think I'm stuck at the speed I'm at and have learned to live with that. Maybe all of us have been there at some point, wanting to be faster? But the trick is learning to be comfortable with where you're at.

    1. Thank you Brian, not being very tech adept, I thought it was something I was doing ! LOL Hopefully they'll get the bugs worked out, and on a point about changing the look of things and where the buttons are Blogging platforms please stop, it really messes with people with OCD ! LOL
      Indeed, we all need to be comfortable with who we are, nothing wrong with striving to improve and get quicker, but don't beat yourself up if someone else does, as we are all different.

    2. We can't have it all, Brian! Me and Azazel are one of a kind after all :)

    3. Thanks for the shout-out Brian. I actually think I may have the solution to your needs. I call it "Slap Chop Plus Xtreme +1" and you can find it by going to my blog, clicking the like and subscribe button and then going to my Patreon where you can find it for just the low, low price of $10/mo. We also offer a generous 20% discount for annual subs!

    4. Where do I enter my credit card number?!? LMAO!

  2. I completely agree that blogs are just a fun support network, and not a competition. Except that I totally think it IS a competition and I’m crushing it. 😀
    Nah, blogs are Kinda like show and tell for grown ups. To that end I try to write my own more with a bend towards storytelling rather than just a diary entry.
    You might have to uninstall and reinstall the blog list widget.

    1. Thank you Stewart, indeed, I like to think of it as a friends network, that doesn't have the Trolls like Facebook ! LOL I always find that your posts are well written and witty, which keeps me coming back.
      Thanks for the tip, I'll see if that works, as I don't see any of the tool symbol on any of the sections.

  3. An interesting post, Dave. I certainly think Blogger has its issues - changing fonts, font sizes and layouts at random being the main ones. But compared to Wix - which has now gone into full financial mode - with all the latest updates being about collecting money from people visiting your site, I think its the best there is - as a freebie for sure.

    Definitely agree with the blog support service too. Personally, its the comments I like most, as well as seeing what others are doing - as that can make me entirely rethink my current project, or even drop it completely and start doing something someone else is clearly enjoying. LOL!!

    1. Thank you Simon, to be honest every platform has issues, it's how we can adapt and overcome, but the OCD makes that very hard, and not being great with the digital world ! LOL
      I think the pandemic really highlighted how the blogs are a way of staying connected with like minded people, and being connected over vast distances. For me I like all the interactions, comments, advice, sharing an idea, the only negative would be the spam, but I know Roger loves a bit of spam ! LOL

  4. John@justneedsvarnish12 April 2024 at 14:59

    I've never been able to "like" posts or comments on some sites (the ones you've mentioned, but it's only recently started happening on Guru's site). No idea why! I can usually "like" them by clicking the button in the notification emails or looking through comments via the WordPress Reader (which you can't do I'm assuming). Agree with your comments about painting speed etc. and using blogs as resources. Interestingly, I sometimes like average-painted minis for the subject they portray, not how they're painted - conversely, I can see some outstanding painted figures that, for one reason or another, I just don't like! I can be honest here - there are some of my own figures I don't like much but I need to include them in my armies!

    1. I know some sites don't have a like button visible from a web browser, but I'm able to like them via the web app. I know it's a toggle somewhere in Wordpress to be able to have them visible, much like comments auto-closing after a coupel of weeks (which results in my never commenting on some people's blogs as I get to look at them a little late!)

    2. Thank you John, and for the advice, will have to check that out. At the end of the day we are all different, and we should celebrate our uniqueness, rather than trying to be like someone else, but the biggest thing is to be happy in what we do, as that's what this hobby is all about enjoyment.
      Thank you Azazael, I don't like a lot of apps on my phone, but it looks like I'm going to have to bite the bullet and get this one ! LOL

  5. I wonder if Wordpress has problems with older designs. I've realized more recently that they constantly add new designs or at least rotate website designs over time and I bet when some designs get older, they aren't supported and may become buggy. That doesn't explain the other stuff but I'm more familiar with Wordpress obviously.

    I totally agree with what you're saying about comparing your output to other people's. If you want to paint fast or faster, there are ways to accomplish that, through practice and probably some paint products that might help but definitely don't worry if Bob is painting faster than you. Personally, I think everyone should worry about maximizing what they enjoy in the hobby. If you like painting things really well, do that. If you want to paint stuff to use in a game, just worry about doing that to whatever standard feels good to you. There are plenty of things that can be competitive in the hobby, like playing a game of your choice, but output isn't something worth being competitive about. There is no award that I'm aware of for the highest number of painted miniatures in a month. Let's be honest, Azazel would probably win that award, if it did exist :)

    1. Actually, I think Guru PIG has me beat hands down for that one!
      Worpress has an endless stream of "upgrades" and ...not my blog, don't swear. uh... chicanery. Where they're constantly changing things for the sake of change and sunsetting features and just making things not work as straightforwardly as they used to. I mean, google does the same with Chrome and gmail and so forth. It seems the nature of tech companies and so many of the people who work in these places not really being end-users but instead having boxes to check as part of their review processes.
      Funnyt thing is that people mention me as having prolific work, but I've just finished four models last night/this morning. Trouble is that they were all almost done for over a week, and I could just never get them over the finish line to get to the next ones.

    2. Thank you Jeff, a lot of tech is never backward compatible, even though they say it is ! LOL I guess it's just part of the world we live in now.
      You've hit the nail on the head, you need to be happy with what you are doing, and how you do it. Learning new skills is never a bad thing, I watch a lot of videos on making dioramas, to see if I can find new ways of doing things, some I look at and think no I prefer the way I currently do bits, but others have interesting new ideas. The key is to take what you want, and not worry about the rest.
      Thank you Azazael, Dave does indeed have a huge output ( not just models but blog posts too ! LOL)
      I think you are absolutely right with your comments on the tech, it's always billed as better and easier for the user, but never truly delivers what it promises. Perhaps they ought to ask the users what they actually want ! LOL
      I think you get used as a measuring stick often because not only the quantity but the quality of your output, even the ones that you say were a just get it done, often look better than official painting.
