Monday 15 January 2024


 As I continue to try and complete a lot of models that are currently littering my desk, I have some Rebels for Star Wars today. The first piece is the AT-RT that comes in the Legion start up box which I got for my Birthday, colour wise I've gone with similar colours I've used on my other rebels, and the vehicle itself, I've gone for desert tones, as I'm gaming over Tatooine.

Next is a rebel pilot that you get with the crashed X-Wing which I got for Christmas, the vehicle may well end up being done during Season of Scenery later in the year. Colour scheme I've gone with the Blue Squadron uniform, as I really like it, and also it's not as common as the orange one.

Next is a Rodian that you get with the X-34 Landspeeder, which I also got for Christmas, I've wanted this kit since it's release to be used as Luke's speeder, but not wanting to waste the additional crew thought this one would look good on a normal base.

I've also painted Luke from the Legion starter box, in the Dagobah/ Bespin outfit, as I'm aiming to have my games set before the completion of the first Death Star, I wont have much use for this figure, but didn't want it cluttering up my desk waiting for paint.

Last today is a 3D print that my friends at Miniaturemen sent me back last year, which I've finally got round to painting the Daimyo version of Boba Fett, this was a fun one to paint as I have already painted an original style one, so this presented new challenges, as the colour scheme has changed for the version seen in the series Book of Boba Fett.

That's all for todays post, so until next time stay safe and have fun !

Cheers Dave


  1. Man, this is a non-stop of beauties! As I was scrolling down I was "oh, I love this one... and this one... this one too!". Marvellous work

    1. Thank you Suber, I hoped that there would be something of interest for everyone, but if you like them all that's a huge bonus ! LOL

  2. Slick looking Rebels and Boba Fett, really looking forward to seeing that crashed X-wing later in the year

    1. Thank you SD, it was nice to have a variety of colours to work on, and I'm looking forward to it to ! LOL

  3. Once again, great work with Star Wars! X-Wing and a landspeeder... good stuff to look forward to.

    1. Thank you Tarmor, If I can get some space cleared on the desk, they may end up in this challenge rather than the later one ! LOL

  4. some cool SW figures there. Though what the hell is a AT-RT? 😁

    1. Thank you Stewart, it's an all terrain recon transport, which was in the Clone Wars cartoon and was heavily used by the Republic clone troopers, but it has never appeared in the later time period in either cartoon or live action, was probably Fantasy Flight games making the most of the vehicle design ! LOL

  5. John@justneedsvarnish17 January 2024 at 11:53

    All very nice, Dave! :-) I do like that AT-RT!

    1. Thank you John, as there was no reference for the AT-RT in rebel form I wanted to get it done quickly, before it just sat there collecting dust, while I over thought what to do ! LOL

  6. Last week, I was thinking to myself, "But when is Dave going to do something Star Wars again?" and well, I didn't have to wait too long haha! These all look fantastic but I like the Rodian best. The bright skin tone really suits them for whatever reason. Maybe it was because of Greedo's arrogant personality in A New Hope!

    1. Thank you Jeff, you know me, can't stay away from my favourite realm for too long, I get withdrawal symptoms ! LOL I've really liked the diversity that has been added to a lot of the races in the films and series, and really want to reflect that in the ones I paint, especially if they are not based off a specific character.

  7. Those are some great looking Star Wars minis! I like all the individual minis, but that AT-RT is really cool. Did you happen to watch the first part of Rebel Moon yet? They stole a few scenes from Star Wars.

    1. Forgot to mention "Rebel, Rebel" is such a cool song too!! :D

    2. Thank you Brian, They've been fun to do and was worried to leave the AT-RT as there was no reference in the current movies or series, so would get left behind. I have now watched Rebel Moon, and yes they did steal quite a few scenes from Star Wars ! LOL

    3. What did you think of the movie overall? It made me realize that I'm really not a Snyder fan. I liked Dawn of the Dead, 300, and Watchmen....but that's about it. I don't think I will watch part 2.

    4. Overall I thought it was a pale imitation of Star Wars, and didn't really bring anything new to the table, but that was the same problem I had with Star Wars 7,8, and 9. I also liked the three movies you mention, and also enjoyed Army of the dead, whereas I was extremely bored during Justice League

    5. Oddly, it felt like Snyder was trying to mix a bit of the Warhammer vibe in with Star Wars, but failed.

    6. It was certainly darker and more gritty, I think in the Star Wars realm Rogue One and the series Andor achieved that without going overboard.

  8. Quite the collection of lovely Star Wars figures finished there, Dave! I do like the Imperial Guard Sentinel up top as well, though it looks a little lightly-armoured for the Imperium! ;)
    Pilot looks great - and you reminded me of yet another Black Series helmet repaint coming soon with that one! :D
    Boba is sadly a source of mixed feelings these days. After seeing the series I kinda wish that they had left the character after the Mandalorian episodes instead of going with that particular character (assassination) arc and series. At least the character design (and by extension - your paint job) was still good!

    1. Thank you Azazael, The Imperium is obviously running out of materials, they'll need to go and conquest another planet that has rich resources ! LOL
      Took a while looking at lots of helmet designs for Blue Squadron, before picking this one, and if it reminds you of one being released, then I must have done something right ! LOL
      I could see why they went that route with the character, and can also understand why it upset a large proportion of the community. As long as I stick to the painting I should be safe ! LOL
