Thursday 18 January 2024



As Stewart pointed out on my last Kroot post, I couldn't claim to have my Kroot army finished if I still had models left over, I thought I'd better get on and finish them all. First is the two Kroot hounds, I've gone for an almost albino feel to the skin using a blue glaze over the basic skin I painted underneath.

I found these models to be a lot smaller than the original sculpts that GW released, I've included a picture below with the new sculpt on the left, the original in the middle, and my Master Shaper Hound sculpt on the right, personally I don't have a problem using the three different sizes, and I'll be giving these new models to my Dark Shaper.

Next we have the Shaper that comes in the box, I'm going to use him as the apprentice to the Dark Shaper.

Next is a Kroot with hunting rifle, I've made a few of this weapon for my sniper squad, and good to see GW's version is pretty damn close to my conversions.

Next is a Kroot with what looks to be a type of shotgun, will have to get the rules for these.

Next is a Kroot with a type of heavy weapon called a Londaxi Tribalest, which I will also need to find the rules for.

Next is a Kroot Bow Hunter, I will also need to get the rules for these.

Last is the Kroot tracker, this one I didn't even look at the other option for it, as I knew I wanted to have a go at painting the bird spotter, I've used colours from a tropical bird I found as the basis, and I've included the reference picture below.

So this now means I've finished this army, and I also have a Kroot Killteam, which is just as well, as my two youngest children have expressed an interest in wargaming, and we've gone with Killteam as a starting point to see if they like it, without having to build massive armies. Unfortunately for me all the new bits in this kit has sparked a load of new ideas for my Kroot army, hopefully if I concentrate on everything else I'm working on I wont add anymore ! LOL

That's all for this post so until next time stay safe and have fun !

Cheers Dave


  1. They all look tremendously cool, and I hope you find a way to turn all those ideas into more Kroot goodies!

    1. Thank you Suber, I have enjoyed building this army so much, that it coming to an end is sad, although my bank balance hopes I stop here ! LOL

  2. Fantastic work as always! And great timing too, since GW just previewed some of their new Kroot models.

    1. Thank you snapfit, isn't it always the way, you spend ages creating an army, then GW releases a new version ! LOL

  3. Great work Dave & sadly some bad news for you as GW has just announced a load of new models for the Kroot, so just when you thought you were finished LOL

    1. Thank you Frank, just checked them out, and looks like I need to amend my statement of completed all the models I currently have ! LOL

  4. Stew is as clever as he is wise! Let's hope he doesn't read this and it gives him an ego :)

    These Kroot really have some cool weapons going on. Personally, I think the best part of Warhammer 40k is the weapons and customization they provide. Of course, they look all the more fantastic thanks to your painting here, Dave!

    1. Oh don’t you worry, I did and I do. 🤪

    2. Thank you Jeff, he is a clever man indeed, but to late he's already read this ! LOL The weapons were an interesting change from the standard Kroot weaponry that I'm used to, which has given me lots of new ideas, but we'll see where that and the new Kroot they're releasing takes me ! LOL

  5. I SWEAR I wasn’t trying to boss you around.
    But doesn’t feel great to have the army done?
    No more Kroot models forever! All done.
    Too bad. As you’re quite good at them. 😀

    1. Thank you Steewart, don't worry they were already started when you made the comment, so just got moved up the queue ! LOL It is good having them all done, but with GW's upcoming release of new Kroot, I may well return to this army and add more ! LOL

  6. John@justneedsvarnish20 January 2024 at 09:49

    Have to agree with Stew - quite good work all round! ;-) Seriously, these look great, Dave!

    1. Thank you John, glad everyone likes them, as with GW's announcement I may need to paint some more ! LOL

  7. Nice looking Kroot, but as everyone's mentioned looks like you're gonna have some more painting for them to do in the future.

    1. Thank you SD, indeed the one thing I am a little disappointed with is the new carnivores only seem to have one new weapon option compared to what you get in the killteam box, looks like I'll still be converting some models ! LOL

  8. Agree with all the previous - really fine work Dave. Also tried to leave a comment on the previous post but was unable to for some reason - those were great too. You've been a busy lad!

    1. Thank you Mark, I see Blogger is playing up as usual ! LOL Try to keep active, and would really like to finish some more projects this year, although GW seem to be trying to spoil my plans ! LOL

  9. Congrats on finishing up the army! They're looking nice! Will be interested to hear how the games with the young ones go! :D

    1. Thank you Brian, by the sounds of it from what I've seen I'll be expanding this army sooner rather than later ! LOL They are busy painting up their squads so hopefully we will have some gaming to report on before too long.

  10. The new hounds and specialists look great, and I hope you're more excited than dismayed by the prospect of all the new ones coming... :o

    1. Thank you Azazael, I've been watching the releases, and to be honest on the whole, there's a lot of useful models in there that I could easily add to this force, so I would go with excited ! LOL

  11. Excellent! (seems I asked the same question twice in different comments! :D)

    1. No worrie mate, happy to answer twice, as I often ask the same questions myself ! LOL
