Wednesday 9 August 2023


 Today I have the first of my Tornado Landspeeders to show, this is the MK II version, of which I have another 4 to do, and one MK III, I wish I had a MK I instead of the MK III but don't fancy paying Forgeworld price ! LOL This one also has a slight conversion to it, in the Heavy Bolter underneath came from the pintel mounted sidecar, which I adapted to fit. I don't know if the new rules allows this configuration, but as it's only going to be used at home, I'm not worried.

I also thought I would show another of my speeders in it's original colour scheme, before it gets repainted to match the rest.

I think my dark blues and whites have improved a lot since this was done around 1996. That's all for this post, so until next time, stay safe and have fun !

Cheers Dave


  1. Looking really nice mate, but did make me think of.... What do you get on the front of fast land speeders? Slow birds! 😁

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Thank you Roger, yes back in the day of me sticking large iconography on my speeders, thankfully these days I do more streamlined approach ! LOL

  2. Definitely better painted after almost 30 years. Liking the new speeder, though they'd better not get too close to tree-tops or rocky outcrops as they "skim" about else see that ammo belt get torn away by a stray branch or rock formation!

    1. Thank you Dai, I'm happy with my progression in painting, and also my better approach to modelling to eliminate such oversights ! LOL I'll have to make sure they have one of those proximity alerts fitted to stop any mishaps ! ROFL

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you Phil, felt I needed to keep what I'd done back then as a record if nothing else, and it's what GW does to chapters like the Dark Angels even now ! LOL

  4. Eh screw new rules, as long as you have awesome casual friends it shouldn't be an issue to field cool models like these.

    1. Thank you SD, as I mostly solo game now, it's not a massive problem, and the remaining friends are pretty easy going.

  5. The Griffon/Eagle head on the front is pure Warhammer, I love it! Pretty nice job there!

    1. Thank you Suber, thought of all who follow, you'd appreciate some old school ! LOL

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you, very old school, but still has a place.

  7. That is one impressive good ornament. Looks cool. I like the old version too. My painting plateaued a long time ago and has never improved. 😀

    1. Thank you Stewart, never wanted to get rid of these old speeders, as they were a piece of history. Painting is one of those things, if you're happy where you are, that's allright, I'm just one of those that likes trying new techniques and constantly trying to evolve my painting style, both ways have a place in this hobby.

  8. What a classic-looking speeder and a paint-job which definitely does the design super-proud, Dave. Marvellous work. I especially like the ivory bird work on it, which contrasts with the darker colours very nicely indeed.

    1. Thank you Simon, as I had 5 of the MK II's I didn't want to just replace them, but keep them within the force. If I was going to do them now, I'd go more streamlined and not put the hawks on the front, but as they would be considered the relics within the force I'll leave them on ! LOL

  9. John@justneedsvarnish11 August 2023 at 14:47

    Nicely done, Dave! :-) I quite like the old one although I much prefer the blue on the new one!

    1. Thank you John, the old one was the first speeder I converted and painted, but like you much prefer for the blue.

  10. Cadillac has nothing on that hood ornament! I think these vehicles look great in the dark and more gothic color scheme you've been using. I don't paint space marines as you know but if I am going to paint them, I like them to look gothic and really lean into that part of 40k. There's nothing wrong with borrowing some Roman iconography either! :)

    1. Thank you Jeff, it would certainly give Jaguar and Rolls Royce in the UK a fight ! LOL The colour scheme came from playing with the chapter name, Night needing black or really dark blue, and as the hawk symbol was white, a lot of white or bone. would love to see your take on a Space Marine, that would be very interesting.

  11. Classic models with some superb painting and mods, Dave! Although I like both your old and new ones, the blues definitely win out for me, the light blue trim on the new one really pops.

    1. Thank you matt, the original one even made white dwarf many years ago, but I really like the new blues as well. When I started the army I was going more codex, but as the background and specialisation has developed, all my speeders are now in the fourth company, hence the blue trim.

  12. It ay well be an aged piece but it's certainly looks as good as when bought new.

    1. Thank you Joe, I remember when I got my first one, and what a pain it was to get to stick together, then stupidly got 4 more ! Glutton for punishment ! LOL Though I still like the look of the MK II's

  13. Very cool to see, Dave. I always like to see older models brought up to scratch while keeping the feel and "soul" of the original work and you've certainly achieved that with this model if the second one is anything to go by. One day I may even finish one of my own of these models - they're such a nightmare to assemble and paint!

    1. Thank you Azazel, it's nice to keep them in the same vane as was originally intended, although I do also like my new stream lined ones. Agree these were a pain to put together, and hope to see yours at some point down the line.
