Sunday 6 August 2023


 So I've started to paint the Rebel Transporter, and I wanted to share the steps and colours I've used, in case anyone finds it useful. First I base coated the model with GW Mournfang Brown, with GW Rhinox hide in the groves. Now you may be able to see that the base colour is patchy, this was intentional to give a varied effect for the next stage.

Next I gave a drybrush of GW Zandri Dust all over, to give me the right sort of base tone all over.

I then used GW Corax White to add another drybrush to the rear to lighten it further, and then added GW Apothecary white contrast in patches, green brown and black washes in patches, also a really thinned down Vallejo Foul Green, once this was all dry I sponged some patches with GW fire Dragon Bright. Finally I put in some GW Corax White detail marks, to tie to the reference picture.

Below is the reference picture to see if I came close.

Hopefully you might find this useful, as I know I struggle when it comes to this messy style of painting. That's all for this post, as I have another 3 sides to bring to the same level, so until next time stay safe and have fun !

Cheers Dave


  1. Oh, that's spectacular! I'm saving this for reference, thank you!!

    1. Thank you Suber, one thing I found on the washes was to apply in different ways, sometimes dabbing the brush on, created interesting marks, and when brushing a loser grip on the brush so it goes where it wants.

  2. Great paint job, looks exactly like the original!

    1. Thank you snapfit, I've realised that there is a spot of purple towards the front that I need to add in, and I may do some panel lines as well yet.

  3. Well odne, I eckon it's as close as anyone could get to the reference picture.

    1. Thank you Joe, I'm happy with the overall look now, but may add some detail lining as well.

  4. SW is the king of the dirty space ship. Wouldn’t space travel knock off the dust into the vacuum?
    Color looks good and close to the picture. I’m failing my SW knowledge roll as I don’t recognize this ship at all. 😀

    1. Thank you Stewart, you're not wrong on dirty ships, as for blowing the dust off, I believe this one is actually no longer functioning, and is used for storage, or maybe even living space, hence the dishevelled state.
      I may add some more detail work to bring it closer to the reference picture, but will see on that. The first time these ships were shown was in the Empire Strikes back, as the Rebels attempted to flee Hoth. This one was an additional scene added to a New Hope, that you see Luke's speeder zoom past as he enters Mos Eisley.

    2. An awful and unnecessary scene at that. But then I am a purist and will always feel that Lucas' "improvements" were a terrible addition to those 3 films.

    3. LOL, from a purist point of view I can see that, from an added reference material, more stuff to build and add to the collection LOL

  5. Flippin love what you've done here mate. All the colours and methods of application really do create a very loyal 3D version of the ship in your source image.

    1. Thank you Dai, until the last colour went on I doubted whether it would work ! LOL still thinking of adding in some panel lines, hopefully I'll forget it, but I doubt it ! LOL

  6. The paint looks really good, I think it matched it pretty well!

    1. Thank you SD, it hasn't turned out too bad, but once I've got all four sections to this level, I'll have another look to see if i want to add some more detail panel lines.

  7. Great weathering, Dave. Your brushwork matches up very nicely with the silver screen version.

    1. Thank you Simon, it was out of my comfort zone, so was happy with the end result.

  8. That colour matching looks absolutely spot on mate.

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Thank you roger, it took a bit of playing around but was happy with the end result.

  9. John@justneedsvarnish11 August 2023 at 14:43

    That looks spot on, Dave! :-) Very nice! And the fin you built up matches the hull perfectly. The patchy, weathered finish looks really good!

    1. Thank you John, If I was painting a pristine one, I'd still be working on the filling stage blending out any imperfections, but as itd all the dinks add to the scheme ! LOL

  10. I think you nailed it, Dave and this transporter is not an easy one to get right. I think the trick to weathering is applying "layers" of weathering to kind of blend it all in together. The problem is that if you put too much on or use too heavy of a hand, it doesn't look realistic. So if you go slowly and build it up, like you did here, you get much better and more realistic results. You're doing such a great job with this ship, you have to paint up a few more in the future!

    1. Thank you Jeff, your spot on with building up slowly, some of these washes were built up in 4 layers to get the right tone, without flooding the model ! LOL I'm sure there will always be more Star Wars vehicles I want or need ! LOL

  11. It looks fantastic, Dave, you're nailing the weathered look of that freighter. Was its original colour scheme white, or is that some kind of space-age wear and tear?

    1. Thank you Matt, it certainly has many layers and colours ! LOL All the ones I've seen are white, and from what I can make out, this one originally had some turquoise markings, before succumbing to the elements, and just looking like a beat up old wreck ! LOL

  12. Yep! All that weathering and layering paid off nicely, even in these early WIP shots of the process!

    1. Thank you Azazel, was a long process, but worth it, and if others find it useful, then well worthwhile posting it up.
