Saturday 12 August 2023


 Have you ever gone to do a fix, thinking this won't take long, and it turns into a total nightmare ! This started about a month ago for me, when we got our house 4 years ago, there were rooms that we wanted to change, but budget and time ment they were on the list, but not important enough right now, one of which was the bathroom. The plan was to get the much needed downstairs bathroom done first, as I really struggle with stairs, and once that was done, we'd look at getting the upstairs one done how we'd like it. One of the problems in the old bathroom was the leaky taps, so we got some new ones, as a tempory fix, this went fine on the sink, but the bath was another story ! The pipe work was a really strange bore size, and once I capped these off the whole pipework started leaking, turns out it had been doing this for a while, so 4 weeks later were still trying to get it all fixed with now a new bath sink and toilet, hopefully by the end of the week, I might see an end to it ! LOL

So why do I mention this, well some of you may have noticed that I've been late on commenting on your blogs, and my content level has been a bit lacking of late, now you know the reason why, Hopefully normal service shall resume shortly, in the meantime I've got a bit more done on the Rebel Transporter ( model work has been my refuge, when all else has been going pear shaped ! LOL) I've been working on the bottom section. First it needed a new ramp, as this one didn't have one. A simple piece of plasticard, with a patterned piece on top, and two ramp pistons. The hinge was made with a piece of hollow plastic rod that I split, to fit around the original mounting point.

I've also got the bottom half painted and weathered, using the same technique I showed for the top. I also added some AK crusted rust effect to the grey areas.

I still need to decide what to do with the interior, whether to make it into a storage area, or maybe some living quarters, or even maybe do both that are inter changeable for different options, but that may be a project for another time, for this years challenge I'd just be happy with getting the outside finished ! LOL

That's all for this post, so until next time stay safe and have fun !

Cheers Dave


  1. Apologizes for fewer posts, still a more prolific blogger than me ;) interior is coming along, I think the interchangeable route would be the best since you get more bang for your buck!

    1. Thank you SD, always like to keep people informed so they don't think I'm ignoring their posts ! LOL Definitely thinking make the inside of the shell, and then make pieces that can be added in and swapped around so it has multiple uses.

  2. John@justneedsvarnish12 August 2023 at 13:24

    Hope the bathrooms and associated issues are fixed soon Dave and I know what you mean about thinking things will be quick jobs! Nice work on the transport! :-) I think I'd leave the interior and come back to it at some point in the future - you might think of something in the meantime that you'd like to try out. I'm going through that process at the moment with some scratchbuilt ship bits and pieces and have come back to this project with some new ideas that I'm working through now (and hopefully painting and pictures will appear before the end of the month)!

    1. Thank you John, the professional is coming this week so hopefully all the parts I can't do will be rectified, and the rest of the room is looking a lot better already (minus the 6 layers of wallpaper, some painted, then tiles stuck on top !). I'm going to concentrate on the exterior first, and mull over all the ideas, and as you say, never know what I may come up with ! LOL Look forward to seeing what you've been working on.

  3. OMG plumbing is the worse! Hope that works out. I actually hadn't noticed any changes to your usual blogging behavior, but I am known to be a self centered jerk....
    great job the bottom of the ship. Now I can actually recognize it. Does the ramp go up and down? Totally skip the interior until you need it for something. 😁

    1. Thank you Stewart, minor plumbing I can handle, but when it starts needing new pieces put in, I leave it to the professionals ! LOL Just felt the content recently wasn't up to my normal standard, and have been quite let commenting on peoples blogs, that niggles at my OCD ! LOL It's starting to come together on the exterior, and as you say I won't see the inside until I need it for a particular game.

  4. Good luck with the bathroom, Dave! We're having one of ours remodeled at the mo and it's taking ages, although to be fair half of that has been waiting for stuff to show up LOL! The ship is looking amazing and the interior is superbly detailed. As others have said, I'd leave it until you're sure what you want to do with it.

    1. Thank you Matt, the only thing we're waiting on is the big wall panels, and thankfully everything else is now in and fitted. The interior you can see is just printed card, which doesn't actually go all the way across, but is likely to be a later project ! LOL

  5. On a personal note, I'd be looning to make the easier interior, but I reckon you'll opt for an all-singing, all-dancing multi-use interiros.

    1. Thank you Joe, you know me too well ! LOL Yes I will probably go for the multipurpose interior when I do it.

  6. Leave the innards alone mate. You have so many other projects it’d just take time away. Ramp looks great btw

    As to plumbing - I hates it! Good luck with all that headache!

    1. Thank you Dai, will be a project for another day, at the moment, was surprised how well the ramp went.
      Plumber has been, all fixtures fitted and no leaks, just some finishing off to do, and will have a great modern bathroom ! LOL

  7. Ouch. Anything related to house fixing is a pain in the... well, a general pain everywhere. And plumbing is extra pain. You have my sympathy! Apart from that, I'm happy to see the good job keeps coming! :)

    1. Thank you Suber, fixing anything these days takes me 5 times as long as it used to, do an hour laid up for 3 unable to move ! LOL thankfully it's on the home stretch now, so normal service can resume ! LOL

  8. Every home improvement project I've gotten into has gone similarly to what you've described at least in regards to it being a bigger pain and more time consuming than I had hoped. The progress on the ship looks great. Are those stickers on the interior or are my eyes deceiving me? You may want to crack open some of those Star Wars Cross Sections books as reference for the inside parts! :)

    1. Thank you Jeff, any home improvement can open up a whole new set of problems, especially if you don't know what the previous people did while they were there, the previous people in this house, wouldn't get the relevant pieces, and just use what they had or could find ! LOL It's printed card you can see on the inside, and funnily enough I have a cross section of this vehicle, to work from, but it doesn't show the engine bay, whic is the bit I must wanted ! LOL

  9. Sorry to hear about your DIY woes mate, plumbing and electrics are things I try and avoid as much as possible, but sometimes you just have to get stuck in, sure you'll get it sorted in the end. The ship on the other hand looks superb! As to the interior, being able to swap it out sounds like a great idea.

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Thank you Roger, thankfully the bathroom is up to a functioning state, just all the finishing off to do, which I wont be rushing as I have other things that need sorting, like the casting for a friends Kickstarter. I've enjoyed getting back to this project, and the way it's heading, so won't rush the interior, so I can plan it our properly, but at least the exterior will already be finished ! LOL

  10. Good luck Dave with the plumbing, though by now I hope its all sorted. The transport is really nice, effective and cool.

    1. Thank you Mark, yes all the major plumbing has been completed, and we have a working bathroom again, just got some of the finishing left, but waiting on the new panels to arrive ! LOL It was and is a great starting point to work from, and so grateful my wife was able to get hold of one of these for me.

  11. I'm with you on model work being a respite from life at times! Love the restoration work on the ramp there, and the bottom hull looks great here!

    1. Thank you Azazel, it's our little safe haven, that gets us away from the real world problems, even just for a little while ! LOL Was a bit worried with the ramp, but turns out I was just over thinking it ! LOL
