Monday 6 March 2023


 As promised here are the army pictures I promised to some, I've tried as best as I can to include the whole unit and it's transport if it has one, and I have two completed armies to show.


This was the first one I finished so only right it's first in this post, below is the Haemonculus ancient and her retinue of Grotesques, now some will be saying that the ancient option is no longer available, but as this is for games at home, I'm keeping her ! LOL

Next is the first of three Haemonculus with her unit of Wracks and Raider transport.

Here is the second

And the third

Lastly for this army I have the option of three Talos, and a Cronos Parasite engine.


First is a picture of the two HQ choices I have The Dark Avatar, and the court of the Arcon with venom transport.

Next we have the elites, first is a unit of Incubi with Raider Transport.

Next is a unit of Mandrakes

A unit of Harlequins

The last elite is a unite of Kabalite Trueborn with their Raider/Ravager transport, probably used as the later more often.

Next we have four troop units of warriors all with their dedicated Raider transport.

We now move onto the Fast Attack option a unit of Scourges.

Finally onto the Heavy Support, below is a Voidraven Bomber, and two Razorwing Jetfighters

Lastly there is my standard Ravager, next to the super heavy Darkstar.

This now completes these two armies, unless of course I add anything, which isn't very likely at this time, but never say never ! LOL That's all for this post, so until next time stay safe and have fun !

Cheers Dave


  1. Awesome looking dark eldar army, complete he says, shakes head, we know what happens next!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you Iain, I know fatal last words ! LOL

  2. Very cool seeing the army all together. Those ships definitely up everything to the next level! :)

    1. Thank you Brian, as the raiders and vehicles are normally the first thing on the board, they need to make a statement ! LOL

  3. Awesome stuff Dave! Solid finished effort that's been fun to watch coming together.

    1. Thank you Dai, to be honest there were times I never thought I'd get to the end, but glad you enjoyed the journey.

  4. Lots of cool stuff in there. The army was bigger than I thought. Great collection! 😀

    1. Thank you Stewart, there is still the third element to finish the Wyches, so more to come yet ! LOL

  5. What a lot of interesting conversions and paintjobs! Awesome job, I think that I wasn't really aware of the size of your Dark Eldar forces! So fantastic

    1. Thank you Suber, I think all the conversions made the army take a lot longer, but at least it makes them stand out from standard ones ! LOL

  6. Wow, there a far more units there than I can recollect seeing previously, but you no doubt have been addembling them for a long time, THe Mandrakes look especiually interesting.

    1. Thank you Joe, the army was probably started in 2000, maybe a bit before, and was finished once before (or so I thought at the time) and then I went crazy and split the three factions to be able to each have their own list, crazy idea ! LOL

  7. Stunning looking army mate, some real stand out pieces there, but the all go together well as whole too.

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Thank you Roger, glad I found a way of marking each force differently but gave them a unified look, had my doubts it would work at times but glad I persevered with it, as I think it looks effective.

  8. WOW! Love the colors and the photos are excellent depictions of some excellent work.

    1. Thank you Mark, started doing these before GW adopted the dark green colours, but glad they worked in the end, I got the colours from an Emperor scorpion, it's the colour they turn when annoyed ! LOL

  9. Great collection Dave, all looking very nice indeed!

    1. Thank you Justin, nice for them all to finally be in paint ! LOL

  10. That's a stunning army, Dave, it really looks the biz! The green and bone colours work so well and they just look like the evil buggers they are LOL!

    1. Thank you Matt, pleased to have two out of the three finished (gamer finished that is ! LOL) and enjoyed the colour scheme for the most part ( especially as I don't like painting green ! LOL)

  11. Awesome looking army(ies) there Dave - pretty inspiring to make me want to finally get around to painting some of my own - I've been mentally blocked by "which colour scheme???" since they first came out in 3rd edition! I've got this box of 3rd ed Scourges that I see every time I open the door to the cupboard under the stairs that always makes me want to paint them. The Bone/Black/Red/Green on yours looks fantastic across the different elements.

    1. Thank you Azazael, I struggled with a colour scheme for them to begin with, my first try I used blue and they ended up looking like Crimson Fists ! LOL I used the dark green colours on some Striking Scorpions for Ulthwe, and went that's the colours I want for my army, then just turned the focus for each faction, by all means use these colours on your army.

    2. Cheers, Dave - it's one of three (or four) DE schemes that I really like - Dark Green base, Dark Crimson base, Dark Bronze/Copper Base, Bone Base... and unlike Marines, I don't (think) I want to have multiple armies in slightly different schemes... :o

    3. Can fully understand wanting to pick one and stick with it, would have been a lot quicker if I'd done that, but as GW kept splintering the army, into sub cults, I wanted a way to show it in colours, and any affiliations. I look forward to seeing yours when you get round to it.

  12. Now that is a great looking army, Dave! I like how you've got the beasts and the space elves part covered here. I tend to gravitate more to the mean space elves part but they're both cool. Thanks for taking pictures of all this and sharing it with us!

    1. Thank you Jeff, in my original tournament list I only had a warp beast pack, everything else was spikey elves, it was only after separating the army lists I had more space to fit in the extras, which is good as I do like a monster or two ! LOL

  13. John@justneedsvarnish12 March 2023 at 14:09

    These look great, Dave! :-) Nice to see them all and the way the paint schemes tie them together!

    1. Thank you John, it would have been good to show the third element as well, but still have 6 models to build and one to purchase to finish that one ! LOL
