Friday 11 October 2024


 Haven't had a lot of time this week because of commission work, but did manage the second AT-AT driver, same as the first one on the conversion work, and painting.

I think that these will be the only two I do, as I only have one AT-AT, I could do more for forces within an Imperial outpost, but would only need the two as surviving crew if the AT-AT got blown up, so will probably go with the later, as I have more vehicles the TIE fighter pilots would be piloting, so will make the other 5 Inferno squad into TIE pilots.

While were talking of two's I've got two more portraits finished for my client.

You will notice they are all now added to wall sections, I've made them as small as possible so they can be moved around, or placed in front of a full wall to blend in, this was my solution to my clients request, that they could be free standing, and moved about.

That's all for this post, so until next time, stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave


  1. John@justneedsvarnish11 October 2024 at 09:48

    All very impressive, Dave! :-) Whereas I can paint adequately in 3D I can't manage anything in 2D so I really like your portraits! I now have two figures finished for Apocolypse Me, but more have suddenly got into the queue so I'll try and make more progress before I post them up!

    1. Thank you John, I haven't painted 2D pictures in almost 30 years, as preferred pencils or pastels, so has been a challenge, especially with how small they are ! LOL Look forward to seeing what you've been up to.

  2. Those drivers look great and are excellent additions to your collection! I think the portraits look very nice as well. They have a cross-stitched look to them which fits a fantasy or medieval setting. They certainly liked their tapestries back then!

    1. Thank you Jeff, wanted these for a long time, so happy to finally have them. Wanted to have a canvas feel to them, so added texture, but the texture is a little large for this scale so tends to look more like a tapestry, so just as well they fit in with that as well ! LOL

  3. Love those portraits! Much better than just printing some old art out that's recognizable as coming from our own world.

    1. Thank you SD, the way you describe would be a lot quicker and easier ! LOL but as you say, these fit the world they exist in well.

  4. Neat stuff. The free standing walls are a good idea. 😀

    1. Thank you Stewart, it's fun to come up with solutions to my clients requests ! LOL
