Monday 21 October 2024


 The right reference can make a lot of difference, what do I mean, well if you've ever watched Star Wars you may know what a Dewback is, it's a lizard like creature that is large enough that a person can ride one. We first saw one in the desert sands of Tatooine being ridden by a Stormtrooper, but it was a background creature when the stormtroopers found the escape pod.

When they rereleased the extended versions, these creatures were now CGI, and there was a lot more of them. but the colours were very different, almost mottled grey and green.

The top reference didn't give me enough detail, and the bottom one, I wasn't keen on the colour, then I found this one on Wookiepedia.

Now armed with the right reference, I could paint my Dewback I recently got, and here are the results below.

And as I had the model out, why not a scenic shot.

Really enjoyed doing this one, and would like to get another 3, so I can have one of each rider type that comes in the box. That's all for todays post, so until next time, stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave


  1. Love it when you find that perfect picture, and that shot at the end is awesome.

  2. I think there's a lot to say about the evolution of (de)saturation of colours in the movies along the years, but on this particular subject, I believe you got the perfect reference and you certainly nailed it. Cool job!
