Thursday 30 November 2023


 My recent painting of the Chameleon Skinks has reignited my interest in my Lizardmen army. When I first worked for GW I had a 2000 point Lizardmen army which were all first edition models, then when GW released the second edition models I started updating the models but not all of them, then when I left GW, they sat with zero attention from me, but this new found enthusiasm has seen me working on a lot. 

The first model I have completed is this Coatyl, it is an early Citadel miniatures model, that I have had for a long time, I do have a second, but the wings got used a long time ago for something else, so will need to make a set of wings for it.

The colours were inspired by the snake below, and a Macaw's wings.

I also have the much larger Coatyl that I made for my business, so I will use this one as a lesser Coatyl. For anyone that doesn't know a Coatyl is a South American Dragon, and has always been my favourite. You can expect to see a lot more lizardmen to appearing on this blog, but that is all for this time, so until next time stay safe and have fun !

Cheers Dave


  1. Wow. Oh, wow! I can't believe the effect on the scales! That's top notch work!
    I'm afraid you may want to replace that first pic in the post, but all the rest are simply awesome!

    1. Thank you Suber, was good practice for all the serpent stands I need to paint ! LOL
      You are absolutely right, and I've updated it now.

  2. This is a very nice and colorful mini, Dave! I certainly recognize that terrain you're using as a flight stand. I had a ton of those things back in the day from one Starter Box if I remember right...

    With that said, I'm almost positive you're just photoshopping animals and calling it inspiration at this point! ;) There's no way that snake really exists, is there? Just like the spider from last week, in fact...

    I'm looking forward to seeing more Lizardmen. They were an army I always liked and I've only painted a couple minis when I quite frankly was terrible at painting so it will be cool to see what you get up to!

    1. Thank you Jeff, your memory is spot on, as they were part of the 3 rd edition 40K box, and GW probably used them in other starter boxes later on as well.
      I wish my photoshopping skills were that good ! LOL Yes this snake like last weeks spider are indeed real, this one is a native of America the California red sided garter snake, if you Google search unusual coloured snakes there is a whole bunch that will make you go wow ! LOL
      As I love lizards and dinosaurs, this was always going to be an army for me ! LOL With your level of painting now, I could imagine the results being awesome, if you had another go, hopefully I can impress with what I come up with ! LOL

    2. Terrain options were much more limited back then as I recall so those trees got plenty of use!

      That is surprising that it is a garter snake. Most garter snakes here in the States are black or have dull colors. They're common and non-poisonous snakes as far as I know as well.

      The biggest challenge I have with the Lizardmen is the coolest models tend to be really large and time consuming to paint. I'm not lacking in projects or things to do as you can imagine! I'm sure you'll do a great job with everything you paint just like you did with this latest mini!

    3. You are not wrong there Jeff, GW made very few terrain bits at that time, it was how you saw which stores had model makers, by the level of their intro boards ! LOL
      You are right, and you can often buy garter snakes as pets because they are non venomous, to be honest it looks more like a coral snake with it's colours, which could be the reason for the colour adaptation as predators will avoid the brightly coloured ones .
      With their current form, yes they have made the Slann massive structures, I'm still using my third edition ! LOL

  3. John@justneedsvarnish2 December 2023 at 08:43

    This is brilliant, Dave (literally and metaphorically)! :-) I had no idea that snakes existed in such colours!

    1. Thank you John, nature is truly wonderous, and has so many varied and extreme colour schemes, shouldn't have to come up with many of my own ! LOL

  4. Wow, those colors are brilliant and you did a great job on recreating them on the model!

    1. Thank you Brian, when I saw the colours, it instantly screamed fantasy creature to me ! LOL

  5. Great work as always, Dave! Every time I visit your blog, I learn about a new colourful animal, haha :D

    1. Thank you Snapfit, Google search is a very useful tool, if you type in the word unusual before the creatures name ! LOL

  6. Lovely work, Dave - and the colour inspirations are perfect!

    1. Thank you Azazael, nature is a great resource when looking for inspiration.
