Thursday 23 November 2023


 Another model I had saved for Movember was this 3D print of Chewbacca carrying C-3PO, based off of the scene in the Empire Strikes Back, this was part of the care package that Minaturemen sent to me back when they we were sending their ogres for casting (happy to report that all the casts for their Kickstarter have now been delivered). As you may know if you've been following this blog for a while, I do have a Chewie model, but thought this would be a good way of showing Chewie carrying a damaged robot if needed in gaming terms.

I found the fur detail very shallow on this print, so had to use brush strokes to add more fur detail, happy to have this one now finished. I've also been busy trying to do a contribution for Keith's Dwarvember, you can find out more details on his excellent blog angrypiper now I didn't have any dwarves that needed painting, so I have created one to support his challenge, and I've gone with his avatar from his blog, the angry piper.

From above you can see the picture I've been working from, hopefully I've done it justice, now I just need to get it painted before the end of the month, that's all for this post, so until next time stay safe and have fun !

Cheers Dave


  1. Great work on Chewbacca, turned out really nice.
    Also, great to see that you're joining Dwarvember as well! The Angry Piper looks amazing, fantastic sculpting as always.
    I'm still working on my dwarves, not much time left, haha

    1. Thank you snapfit, took a lot more work due to the shallow nature of the detail but happy with the finish.
      Always like to support other challenges other than my own, and have taken part in Keith's Monster May(hem) so wouldn't miss this one, just hope I can get it painted in time.

  2. Great looking chewy and ace looking angry piper!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you Iain, nice to have the option of a blown up droid ( it may happen far too often in gaming terms ! LOL) Hope Keith likes this little homage ! LOL

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you Keith, hoped you would like this homage

  4. Man, I was to praise your Chewie and the paintjob on the fur, but that piper stole the show!! Awesome beyond any measure!

    1. Thank you Suber, chewie's fur did take a while, but can fully understand the piper taking all the limelight ! LOL

  5. Chewie looks very good and its cool to see him with this mate, C-3P0 too! As far the dwarf goes, the sculpting is spot-on as always. Nothing really to see here! :) In all seriousness, fantastic work on that one, Dave!

    1. Thank you Jeff, I'm finding with some of the 3D prints, it's forcing me to do more brush work as the detail is so shallow, which is always good practice ! LOL Was stuck for a dwarf to contribute to Keith's challenge so thought why not do his avatar, first time I've ever had to sculpt bagpipes so was an interesting challenge in itself ! LOL

  6. John@justneedsvarnish2 December 2023 at 08:35

    As if Chewie wasn't good enough, there's also an angry piper! Brilliant, Dave! :-)

    1. Thank you John, for the lack of detail, Chewie came out well, and very happy with the green.

  7. Great work on the Dwarf model there and I think Chewie came out nicely despite the lack of detail.

    1. Thank you Brian, yes had to add a lot of fur strokes to add to the effect, but was worth it, was very happy with how the dwarf came out.

  8. Great work on Chewie - and also very cool to see the green for the Angriest Piper as well. :)

    1. Thank you Azazael, Chewie needed a lot of work due to very shallow detail, the angry piper was actually easier and quicker to do ! LOL
