Wednesday 15 November 2023


 Another challenge over with for another year, and here is the group that kept this challenge going this year

oldschoolworkshop Suber did some fantastic fantasy based zombies, the colour choices were to represent Stirland (a realm in the Empire in Warhammer) but the colours also work really well for the Undead pallet.

kuribospainting Jeff added both scenery and models for his Fallout gaming, some stunning work there.

azazelx Azazel covered multiple subject material, and managed many fantastic looking pieces.

spacedinosaurminis SD got some truly creepy models finished that would scare anyone to death.

cheaphammer Kieron is new to this challenge, but normally takes part in Zomtober, and thought a double win was well worth while, he finished a lot of models from The Walking Dead, and also got some Fallout miniatures finished which count on this challenge.

pmpainting Matt gave a Nurgle Demon that truly looks wet and dripping.

rantingsfromunderthewargamestable Roger got some zombies and survivors finished.

So what did I achieve, very little to be honest, a tanker, and a couple of tents, I promise to do better next year.

All of the above blogs have even more pictures on them so please do check them out. Normally this month would be all about painting things with hairy faces, but due to time constraints Roger will not be running it this year, but I intend to carry on with some hairy faced individuals any rate, also Keith at angrypiper is running Dwarvember where you paint Dwarves, I shall endeavour to get something special done for this, so until next time stay safe and have fun !

Cheers Dave


  1. Some really good stuff here! Thanks for sharing and curating these images Dave.

    1. No problem Dai, there is some awesome work in this lot by some very talented people.

  2. Great stuff by all involved Dave and yes that includes your good self, as someone who has not done anything in a long time I can tell you anything done shouldn’t be underestimated 👍😊

    1. Thank you, you are not wrong, there is some excellent work by all, and any completion should be celebrated however large or small, for me I was disappointed at my output, against previous years, but was pleased to have some long awaited pieces finished.

  3. Thank you for all the work involved! Oh, I thought I had all these pics under my radar, but I'm discovering new stuff, so double thanks!!

    1. No problem at all Suber, and thank you for your contributions. I know what you mean, on the ever increasing list of blogs to follow ! LOL

  4. Tremendous compilation (and that takes work in and of itself). Kudos to al and thanks Dave for posting. Not my genre, but as my blogging has lagged of late it was nice to see all this - well - rotten flesh!

    1. Thank you Mark, never really thought about doing too much in this genre myself, until a few years ago, probably just watched too many zombie movies and series and saw the wargaming potential ! LOL Everyone who took part, really came up with some more unusual models, which added great variation to their awesome output and painting excellence

  5. Thank you as always for putting this together, Dave! I'm sure it takes some time to put it all together and its a great showcase of our community's abilities. I'm already looking forward to next year's challenge as it always seems to give me an extra bit of motivation to get some stuff done.

    1. No problem Jeff, happy to do it, although next time I'll try and avoid a vacation in the middle of it ! LOL When I normally do it, it's not too bad, as I collect the pictures as they get posted up, so it's only a little amount of time on each occasion, doing it all at the end, makes it more time consuming ! LOL Always great to have you on board mate, and if you find helps on motivation, it has achieved it's purpose.

  6. Awesome work everyone and thanks for putting this one on Dave! Always some great motivation to get stuff done haha.

    1. Thank you, and the challenges, always show a diverse group of models, and the level shown just keeps going up and up.

  7. Thanks for running the challenge, always cool to see what everyone creates and paints! :D

    1. No problem Brian, always amazed at the variety and quality of the output by everyone, worth every second of running the challenges.
