Sunday 8 October 2023


 One thing that is a common theme in apocalypse settings whether it be Zombie or post apocalyptic is finding fuel to keep your vehicles moving, so having a tanker is a good way of storing your fuel and keeping it mobile and with you. Now I have a large tanker which I produce as seen below.

Now I wanted a smaller version, the model started life as a Tamyia WW II airfield fuelling truck, I added plating over the back wheels to protect the tyres meshing over the windows, and a big dozer blade at the front made from plasticard, I also added some battle damage to areas to show it's been in many fights. For the painting I started again, as I had started this some 15 years ago, but actually wanted a more dilapidated colour scheme, showing it's been around a while. 

I started by doing a rust effect all over, then adding areas of paint, and freshly exposed metal, I'm really pleased with the end result, and is a great addition to my ever growing vehicle pool. That's all for this post, next time something totally different, so until then, stay safe and have fun !

Cheers Dave 


  1. Looks ace. I love the weathering and the whole approach. Great job!

    1. Thank you Suber, my first start was way to clean, so this seemed more appropriate ! LOL

  2. Super cool, are these for Gaslands? I always love the creativity that game encourages.

    1. Thank you SD, not Gaslands, my own set of rules for apocalypse gaming, but as I always liked Mad Max, you've got to have vehicles ! LOL

  3. Excellent stuff, Dave, it's got a true post-apoc look to it!

    1. Thank you Matt, can't imagine many in the apocalypse out polishing their vehicles, too many threats about ! LOL

  4. Nicely weathered tanker!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you Iain, I believe in the trade it's called a rust bucket ! LOL

  5. Nothing says apocalypse like a beat up, armored up vehicle! Nice work! I like the added barbed wire running around it as well.

    1. Thank you Brian, the barbed wire, came in a basing kit from GW, and has sat around for ages, finally found a use for some of it ! LOL

  6. Appropriate to the setting! Nicely done.

    Makes one wonder though.... isn't petrol supposed to have a "shelf-life" before it deteriorates beyond usefulness? So I can't see vehicles really being all that much use in a longer term post-apoc setting. Unless one has access to a refinery - but then, you'd need the expertise of umpteen refinery workers to keep it going, as well as a regular supply of crude oil to "refine" - another resource I cannot imagine being plentiful at the end of civilization.

    I digress... My mind sometimes thinks on things too hard for sure. LOL

    1. Thank you Dai, has the end of the world feel to it ! LOL
      A lot depends on the amount being stored, and being left to stagnate, for instance a petrol can go off after a year pretty easily, larger containers take a lot longer, a lot of them have agitators in them to keep the fuel moving, which increases it's shelf life, so we've probably got a couple of years after the apocalypse to use it ! LOL refinery workers would be a very valuable commodity in an apocalypse, as would oil pumps ! LOL
      Nothing wrong with digression ! LOL

  7. John@justneedsvarnish10 October 2023 at 11:52

    These look great, Dave! :-) But I think you've made a mistake in your write-up, because you say the dozer blade's made out of plasticard when you really mean greenstuff! ;-) You'll be telling us you use cardboard next!

    1. Thank you John, glad you like them. I do use Plasticard quite a bit, I have been known to use some cardboard from time to time, even some acetate if the need arises ! LOL but don't worry my go to is still greenstuff ! ROFL

  8. Gas is definitely gold in the post-apocalypse! I think you did a great job with this truck, Dave and its perfectly suited for the current challenge as well. It won't shock you to hear me say this but I enjoy seeing you work on this type of thing. Not that its painful to see the occasional Star Wars mini either :)

    1. Thank you Jeff, if you start thinking about where would I get a lot of items that we can often take for granted, you suddenly realise how tough it would be to survive an apocalypse, maybe the doomsday preppers have the right idea ! LOL I do like working on apocalypse settings, almost as much as Star Wars ! LOL So you will undoubtedly see more in the future.

  9. Cracking post mate, and a smashing job on the weathering too.

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Thank you Roger, I've had this tanker longer than the one I produce, so it was about time it got some attention ! LOL
