Saturday 14 October 2023


 Moving onto the next apocalypse piece, I 've decided to do it in sections, as it will end up being a fairly big project, and I can then reveal it a section at a time, but for this first one, I wanted to show how I approached the painting of the bricks.


After I created the brick pattern in the foam, I added the base layer to each brick separately, and didn't load up the brush for each brick, this meant that I got a variance in base tone over the whole wall, this also allowed the base colour of the foam to show through more on some of the bricks. I used Vallejo Terracota for the base layer


Next I gave a drybrush of GW Zandri Dust all over some areas I worked it heavier than others, just to add more variance again


Using GW Apothecary White Contrast paint I added some small areas of this to random bricks, start with a minimum number to begin with, as it's easier to add more, than to try and get back to the previous stage.


Next I wanted to add some green moss growth to the bottom of the wall, the first layer was done with an old GW glaze, as this would be more subtle.


Next I went in with GW green wash, and stippled it other the previous layer, making sure to leave a gap between the top edge of the previous layer and this new one.


Next I stippled in some GW black wash in a smaller area than last time, I also added some black wash to some of the bricks higher up as well, below is the end result.

So what is this for you may ask, currently I have nowhere to photograph my zombie models   and thought it would be cool to have a mall as the backdrop, below is what I'[m planning to do.

Some of you may recognise it from a famous zombie movie, which is where I got my inspiration from.

In other news my good friends over at Minaturemen have got a new kickstarter going for their new ogre releases, I am doing the casting for this and also sculpted the female ogre for the campaign.

Kickstarter Ogres That's all for this post, so until next time stay safe and have fun !

Cheers Dave


  1. Seems odd to be writing that you've done a wonderful job on that wall! But you have all the different layers work so well in creating a realistic effect!

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Thank you Roger, it was something I noticed when we had some building work done, that every brick was different, even though they were from the same batch, they all had variance, so wanted to show that in model form.

  2. Thank you very much for the tutorial, I'm noting it down, the result looks so natural!

    1. Thank you Suber, glad you found it useful, wasn't sure it was going to work but recorded the steps in case it did ! LOL

  3. Nicely done brick, the weathering ties it all together while adding a nice spot of color.

    1. Thank you SD, need the moss to tie it in to the reference picture, but glad it added another element.

  4. Terrific looking brickwork, Dave. Your attention to detail and weathering has really paid off. Splendid stuff.

    1. Thank you Simon, something a little different, and hope people find it useful.

  5. Bloody hell, that's a very realistic result mate. Scale modeler level I reckon.

    1. Thank you Dai, I do like looking at scale modeller work, as their stuff is amazing ! LOL

  6. Great looking brickwork, you're a better man than me, I'm all for fast and dirty finishes I'm afraid!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you Iain, normally I'm base and two drybrushes, but as I wanted to work from the reference, I needed to up my game ! LOL

  7. Fantastic work, the result looks very realistic. Looking forward to seeing the rest of the diorama. Also, the ogres look great, I'm sure they'll fit in nicely with your challenge ogre.

    1. Thank you snapfit, Once I've got the front finished I may do some internal for gaming over as well ! LOL It's a nice eclectic set they have produced they are a little shorter than the Savage Ogre, but then he is a big boy ! LOL

  8. Awesome work on this, Dave! You can already tell that this is going to really look nice when its done as well. I too have been thinking about ways to take better Fallout pictures lately and while a bit different of an idea, if I can find the time for it, I may take on a little special project to see if I can't improve my photos further.

    1. Thank you Jeff, the next section the entrance is taking a lot of time, but will get there eventually ! LOL Sounds interesting, look forward to seeing what you come up with on your blog, the easiest way for me to get better pictures would be to get someone better to take them ! LOL

  9. John@justneedsvarnish23 October 2023 at 14:15

    Nicely done, Dave! :-) One of those jobs that appears simple but benefits from the extra touches you've made!

    1. Thank you John, step two doesn't look bad and would do in a pinch, if it was time sensitive, but the additional gives it a more realistic look that I was after.

  10. Nice tutorial Dave! Surprisingly, I don't think I've ever painted red bricks yet, but this would definitely come in handy. That mall shot makes me want to fire up Dawn of the Dead. Although I'm not a horror buff, I love that classic Zombie movie.

    1. Thank you Brian, if you ever do red brick and this proves useful for you, I've achieved what I set out to do. I do like the original of Dawn of the Dead, and the remake to, the speed of the zombies in the remake made them a lot scarier ! LOL
