Saturday 29 August 2020


 Was a bit worried I wouldn't get this finished before the end of August so pulled a late one last night to get it finished, didn't completely work as had to do some last minute touches today.

I've left the hawk symbol removable for ease of storage, and used a couple of the companies defensive wall straights to add cover for marines on the upper level. The doors ended up being a lesson in don't paint large areas in blistering heat, it will look rough ! LOL

Added a walkway for gaining access to the hawk for maintenance and firing the weapons, decided not to put a ladder there instead having a drop down one when you open the hatch. I put the chapter motto over the door to add more character.

The hatch was a spare part from one of the flyers I have, with added hinges and latch made from greenstuff.

The banners were made from plasticard and greenstuff 

This side I added in a servitor scribe leaving it's cradle to add a new name to the banner.

I would like to add some more bits to this at a later point, like spiral staircases up to the walkway, and top level, and the rockface to go behind the hawk, the possibilities are endless, just not the space !

Next week I aim to do the round up from the community giving everyone a couple of days grace to get their posts up, so until next time stay safe and have fun !

Cheers Dave


  1. Absolutely stunning bit of work Dave, that is going to look mighty impressive on the table, though just had a thought, the only time you will get to use it is when the enemy is literally knocking at your chapters front door!

    Thanks so much for running this challenge, it's been a blast from start to finish and a privilege to see all the stunning work done by the contributors.

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Thank you Roger, that's a very good point ! LOL Could be a interesting game using a defensive wall then a fortress wall before the main entrance, with the attacker recycling their forces when a unit is wiped out.
      You are most welcome mate, thought it was about time I ran one as I have taken part in so many, the level of entries has been outstanding, and I will certainly be running it again next year, but to cover the fact that our friends in the southern hemisphere are actually in the middle of Winter, I shall rename it the season of scenery, or S.O.S. for short ! LOL

  2. Fantastic finished result Dave! Liking the banners very much especially

    Only addition I’d offer is perhaps some sort of sally port?

    1. Thank you Dai, the banners came about to fill what would have been a large flat boring area ! LOL
      That's a good idea on the Sally port, will fit some in in the next rock sections, and disguise them as part of the rock face, similar to the entrances to the bomb shelters by Lake Geneva

  3. An amazing & very imaginative bit of work Dave, my only compliant would be that you didn't do this before you done all the work on the members of the chapter as it would have made a great photo backdrop ;)

    1. Thank you Frank, glad you like it, don't worry still have lot's to paint so will use this as the backdrop for future models just for you

  4. Well don, completing this to your deadline (ish); loving the extra detailing bits and pieces and the hatch is a good isea too.

    1. Thank you Joe, as they say the devil is in the detail, probably could have added more, but I didn't want to make it too cluttered that it became unplayable

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you Tamsin, only taken me about 18 years to get round to building it ! LOL

  6. Excellent looking chapter entrance! You finished it with loads of time!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you Iain, if I hadn't pulled the late night/early hours of the morning, I could have easily not made the deadline, as there were a few tricky bits that could have gone horribly wrong and would have taken me to the wire to finish them

  7. That is awesome, Dave, and befitting of the Emperor's finest!

    1. Thank you Matt, i need to stop looking at it at the moment, as I'm already coming up with new additions which would distract me from other projects ! LOL
