Sunday, 13 June 2021



As I continue on with this years submissions for forgotten-heroes-2021 I've been working through some of the Windriders of Enfys Nest, I've gone for this part of the rebellion, as I have found a lot of figures which would work for Saw's Rebels, but nothing for this faction.

Auromae Iselo is the first one I've done, the reference picture above has details about her.

Above is the green I made, as you can see she is all Greenstuff.

The painting of her was fun, and threw in some challenges to match the colour scheme.

Next is Weazel, this was not the first time this character had appeared in a Star Wars movie, as he appeared in "The Phantom Menace" as a spectator in the crowd at the Pod Racing.

I utilised plastic rod to help construct his rocket launcher on this one.

Painting was challenging on this one, as even though the model is smaller, it has just as much detail as the full size models.

Above is a group shot so far, and shows the different heights between the characters, I have another 6 of the Windriders on the go at the moment, 2 that I've started to paint, 2 that need finishing details sculpting, and the last 2 are in the blocking stages, once I finish the painting on the first 2 I'll make frames for the next 2.

That's all for this post, so until next time stay safe and have fun !

Cheers Dave


  1. Perhaps I should start "cutting and pasting" these comments as I'll have to write again, a wonderful bit of sculpting there Dave, but i have no recollection of ever seeing these two characters before, are you sure we've been watching the same films? 😁

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Thank you Roger, nothing wrong with cutting and pasting mate ! LOL I can safely say these were definitely in the film Solo, in fact Weazel almost had as much screen time as Enfys ! LOL

  2. Great looking pair of characters! I'm with Roger, I didn't even notice them I'm afraid!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you Iain, Auromae can easily be missed in Solo, so I wouldn't worry mate

  3. I think the final pic shows just how much incredible detail you've managed to squeeze in on these corking models, Dave - as well as the significant size difference. Terrific stuff, imho.

    1. Thank you Simon, originally I thought Enfys would be the hardest sculpt, but Weazel proved me wrong on that ! LOL Some of the others I'm working on have even more detail, so may take some time.

  4. Dave mate these are smashing! I take it you have the film’s reference guide judging by those pics? I really need to get that book…

    1. Thank you Dai, I wish I did, just found a double page spread on the internet, that helped get me started with these first few mate.

    2. I went and ordered it… couldn’t help myself. I’ll let you know if it’s any good

    3. Sorry mate ! I'm always torn between new book or new model, and normally opt for the model ! LOL appreciate the feedback

  5. The mere thought of sculpting such detailed characters from scratch gives me the shivers. Outstanding work!!

    1. Thank you Suber, having seen your work on your Gargant, it's just changing the scale, 11 mm down to 6 mm are where the challenge really gets hard ! LOL

  6. Great work again, Dave! They look excellent and the details you managed to sculpt on Weazel is amazing. Do you cast these or just paint directly onto the greenstuff?

    1. Thank you Matt, like with painting, it's building it up in layers, so start with the base detail, and keep building up, and also plenty of practice. These were painted straight on the greenstuff, as can't commercially sell these, also means they bounce quite well ! LOL

  7. I'm still in awe of your sculpting skills, these two have some very intricate detailing but only when 'Weasel' is alongside the larger figures does it really astound me how small he/it is !
    Great paintjobs too, identical to the origianl artwork, something I can never manage well.

    1. Thank you Joe, Weazel was a challenge, not only the details on a small model but getting his proportions right.
      I was lucky enough to do a colour theory course with Banshee, which made understanding the colours easier, still need to push it further, but for gaming pieces they will do.

  8. They look great, Dave. (I need to watch Solo again, too.) Speaking of podrace spectators, any chance we'll be getting an Aurra Sing or a Fode and Bede?

    1. Thank you Keith, the three points to spot windriders are when solo is trying to steal a container from the Imperial train, when Han is playing Sabac with Lando, and when they confront Han on Severian. For my Clone Wars gaming I may well do an Aurra Sing, as she is dead by the time of the Solo movie, as Fode and Bede could be a distinct possibility.

  9. Sensational job on these. It is so cool how deep into Star Wars you're going for this project. I think the aliens in the background are one of my favorite parts of Star Wars. It really tricks you into thinking the universe is real. Considering Solo's somewhat mixed reputation, I'm glad that someone like yourself is giving it the credit it deserves!

    1. Thank you Jeff, Star Wars for me was always about the whole scene, not just the main characters. DVD's certainly made it easier to pause to look at all the background, pretty much wore out my videotape trying to do it years ago ! LOL I enjoyed Solo, so having elements from it was a must

  10. Great trio - and I hadn't realised that character was Warwick Davis OR thet he was in TPM. I guess there were a couple more decent nuggets hidden in Solo after all!

    1. Thank you Azazel, Warwick actually had four parts in TPM Weazel, the Rodian child, Yoda walking, and the handler for Boss Nass creature at the end of the film
