Monday, 28 June 2021


 As forgotten-heroes-2021 draws to a close for another year, I have finished the last two cloud riders needed for the whole group.

First up is Callixido Ryss, apparently this character is human, with some details about him above.

As with all the others he is mostly made of green, but I used a spare weapon from my Legion parts to make the weapon, as I was feeling weaponed out at this point ! LOL

Painting wise was a pretty straight forward following of the colour scheme, shown in the reference picture.

Next we have Batcha Hunaris, who from the text above prefers smashing things with a blunt instrument to using a conventional weapon.

Simple green with a little bit of plastic rod, to make his blunt instrument.

Painting was just copying the reference again.

The final group shot of the group

All in all it has been my most productive Forgotten Heroes challenge, 15 models for Enfys and crew, Saw, and Moloch, giving a grand total of 17 models, I think next year I'll find a easier challenge with only 1 or 2 models needed ! But I can't guarantee that ! LOL

Until next time stay safe and have fun !

Cheers Dave


  1. Fantastic Dave! Bravo on a very productive month and for creating some of my fav minis that you’ve done to date

    1. Thank you Dai, knowing how much you liked Solo, I hoped I would do them justice in your eyes

  2. Haha, really, all this is breaking the awesometer. Lovely stuff.

    1. Thank you Suber, this little lot kind of spiralled out of control this month, will need to try to reign it in a bit this next couple of months

  3. Excellent rendition of two of themost intricatly adorned characters and well done reprodcuing all the details and colours of this pair.

    1. Thank you Joe, Butcha actually took the longest to make, he was started about half way through the project, but the last to be finished.

  4. Wow! that's a figure from scratch to painted every two days!!! Impressive stuff Mr Stone!

    Top work too.

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Thank you Roger, it sounds even more when you put it like that ! LOL How will I be able to top that in the future ? (I wont ! LOL)

  5. Amazing work all round, Dave, your output this month has been incredible given you built all those minis from scratch.

    1. Thank you Matt, surprised myself with how many was able to get done, hopefully I can keep it up

  6. Terrific, Dave. Sculpting and painting 17 figures from scratch in 30 days is a fair bit of productivity for sure. Well done!
    Oh, and though it hardly need be said, the modified Legion weapon is easily identifiable at a glance as the tibanna-jacked DH-17 we all know and love.

    1. Thank you Keith, I think I shocked myself with how many I managed to achieve !
      good spot on the weapon, should have really made it from scratch, but the weapons probably took the longest.

  7. That's an absolutely incredible output of models Dave, most impressive (there's our Star Wars quote 🤣)! So is there anyone that you wanted to sculpt that you just didn't get to or someone on the radar for the future?

    1. Thank you Ivor, great quote ! LOL I had originally planned to sculpt someone from the crime syndicates and then a rebel, and keep alternating through the month, but the cloud riders took over. I did start Lady Proxima, and a Correlian Hound, and they will need finishing at some point, also I want some Black Sun enforcers, and some Pykes, but they will have to wait for now, as I'm now onto scenery

  8. Splendid work, Dave. Apologies fir mot commenting as you've been hoing along, but I've had a few issues with posting comments to your blog which I've only just worked out how to solve.

    An impressive roster of characters created, which just goes to prove that there's no such thing as too much coffee and not enough sleep.

    "And next year, Dave will be creating the entire roster of the Fantastic 400, including Hopping Harry and the Amazing Spider-Hound..." lol

    1. Thank you Jez, sorry to hear you've been having problems commenting, but glad you've got it solved now.
      Coffee is my friend ! LOL I've actually cut down the amount I drink on an evening, after 6 PM I have one last cup about 10-11 PM and that's my last one, unless I'm staying up to watch a live event in the US.
      Next year hopefully things will have returned to normal, and I'll be busy sculpting lots for the business, and bring my entry down to a reasonable level, actually have an idea already, but will have to see if that changes.

  9. John@justneedsvarnish1 July 2021 at 14:31

    I do like these two! :-) I think you're being modest, Dave, because that really is a good month's work by anyone's standard!

    1. Thank you John, my wife thinks that's one of my biggest failings ! LOL

  10. Its great to see all of Enfys Nest together. The last two both came out really well and round out this project nicely. I commend you for your hard work and dedication on this one. You got it done in no time at all which is impressive!

    1. Thank you Jeff, I surprised myself getting the whole group made and painted in a month, especially as I hadn't planned to ! LOL It actually taught me a lot, on how to speed things up, and making the initial frames is the worst part, as you can do nothing until they are dry.
