Tuesday 5 January 2021


 For anyone who watched season 1 of the Mandolorian, they will probably remember the two scout bikers who stole the child, and showed what great shots Imperial troopers are !

For my scout bikers on Tatooine I decided to use the colour scheme from above rather than the classic Endor brown bike. The dusty dirt was achieved with a glaze of Reikland fleshshade so it was more subtle than the standard shade.

I've also completed my second unit of Deamonettes as part of my clearing process, the unit has an Icon and instrument of Chaos and to define it from the first squad I've used heads with either top knots or mohawks instead of the wild hair from the first unit.

That's all for this post, so until next time stay safe and have fun !

Cheers Dave


  1. Awesome work on both the Imperial Scout bikers and your second unit of Deamonettes, Dave. Not sure which colour scheme of bike I now prefer having seen what a great job you've done on yours :-)

    1. Thank you Simon, I thought the ashen wastes fitted better with the Tatooine setting than the forest version, but I guess it all depends what setting your putting them in, can give you the recipe if you want to do this one.

  2. Those scouts look amazing - lovely work. It's harder than it looks to make stormtroopers look weathered without making them look grubby or messy.
    Quick dumb question - whose sculpts are they? FFG's Legion?

    1. Thank you Matthew, agreed making them look dirty, without looking like you haven't bothered layering your paint is tricky, may have to revisit my other Imperials !
      Yes they are FFG's Legion models, from the expansion set not the core box, but would like to get hold of them as well

  3. The bikers look excellent and the choice of white for the bikes makes them that much better too.
    Demonettes (whatevver they ate), look good too, even with my eyesight there's a lot od detail there to appreciate.

    1. Thank you Joe, this colour scheme is very current with all the interest in the Mandolorian, and I felt it was more fitting for a Desert than the forest colour scheme of Endor.
      They do have a lot of detail to pigment, but not to bad to paint once you have a colour scheme. They are lesser demons of the Chaos god Slaanesh, who is the god of pleasure and pain

  4. Great job on those bike, Dave, they look really good in the light grey. And the weathering on the scouts is excellent too. Right now I think I'm sticking with brown for my large kit, whenever I'm able to get around to it...

    1. Thank you Matt, sounds like a plan mate, as the scouts on Endor had weathering to, the recipe for the grime is 2 parts Reikland fleshade, to 1 part glaze medium and then direct the glaze to the recesses so it becomes darker in those areas with a small amount of colour on surrounding areas.
      Look forward to seeing progress on the big kit when you get to it

  5. Great work on both Dave, as for the whole shooting thing in movies, it always gives me a good giggle, just take a New Hope for example, opening scene, boarding the rebel ship & the stormtroopers are taking guys out left, right & centre, then when Luke & the guys are running around the Deathstar, said stormtroopers couldn't hit the side of a barn LOL

    1. Thank you Frank, glad you liked them all. It is a bit of an anomaly, especially when Ben says these blast marks are too accurate for Tuskens, only Imperial Stormtroopers are this accurate ! LOL I guess it's like everything there's good and bad shots in the imperial ranks ! LOL

  6. John@justneedsvarnish5 January 2021 at 12:46

    Nice colour choice on the bikes, Dave! :-) Looks spot on!

    1. Thank you John, Banshee's colour theory course really helped being able to look at a colour and then replicate it, and was a useful skill to add to the tool box

  7. Great stuff Dave 😀 Those two scouts were a definite highlight of season 1 - though deserved of their fate, especially after having the audacity to punch Grogu lol!

    1. Thank you Ivor, the whole conversation between them was excellent, and indeed plus they shot Quill and his Blurg !

  8. Really nice work on the bikers, and the Demonettes.

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Thankyou Roger, glad you liked them, was expecting a funny quip about the bikers for some reason ! LOL

  9. Great looking pair of bikers and the demonette unit is ace!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you Iain, really enjoyed matching the hapless pair from the show, and very happy with the unnatural feel of the demonettes

  10. I actually just saw the scene you mention for the first time last night, and it was hilarious. Not the first time Favreau has made a joke about the marksmanship of stormtroopers, but it was certainly funny to see. Great work as always, Dave!

    1. Thank you Keith, a true highlight of season 1 in my opinion, but there was so many, it would be hard to choose a favourite ! LOL

  11. A great scene in an amazing episode in a pretty inspiring series. Star Wars is good again for the first time in I don't know how many years!
    Like, properly good.
    Actually, to be fair, I really enjoyed R1 and didn't mind TFA either.

    1. Cheers mate, The Mandolorian just seems to get better all the time, loved R1 but wasn't a fan of 7,8 or 9, just felt like poor remakes of 4,5 and 6, but that is just my opinion

  12. I love the bikerscouts! Very nice models too. Are they Imperial Assault? Makes me miss my old TB armour and trooping with the 501st Legion.

    1. Thank you Dai, they are from the Star Wars Legion set, which matches some of the IA models in size but are bigger than others, so I'm happy to use them. That must have been great fun, and some of the 501st got to be in the Mandolorian as well didn't they

    2. It was and was great to see people’s reactions and take pics with them.
      Yes, some of those lucky buggers did get to and others are regularly invited to perform on stage at Weird Al Yankovich concerts too!

    3. I always thought some of they're best work was visiting the sick children.
