Saturday, 26 September 2020


 This week has been mainly concentrating on the interior detail for Ben's House, other than a brief interlude where my body wouldn't allow play.

There is still some interior detail to finish including the chest Ben keeps Anakin's lightsabre in, the storage containers and a couple of chairs, but happy with the progress so far.

Here we can see the stuffed armadillo that I mentioned in a previous post along with a collection of other artefacts, plus one of the reference pictures I used to achieve this.

Really happy with how the stove turned out compared to the reference picture.

My wife's favourite part is the cloak !
Table for one

Above is more pictures of other details around the house, I had to use multiple different reference points including a 1:6 scale model of Obi Wan for the antique rifle and bino's.

Hopefully next time I will have completely finished the interior and the exterior, so until next time stay safe and have fun !

Cheers Dave


  1. Wow, I've just discovered your blog and first thing I see is this wonder. Truly amazing job, I love it!

    1. Thank you Suber, glad you like the piece and welcome to the blog, hope I can continue to wow

  2. The devil certainly is in the detail Dave & what a devil you are, you've really brought the house to life & its a real testament to you modelling skills, well done mate :)

    1. Thank you Frank, it became a bit of an obsession this week, having rewatched the scene 10 times in the movie with pausing and sketching several times, and having the scene paused at the point where R2 starts the hologram to get the detail of the weird skull in the back of the curiosities right. hopefully I can get the rest finished this week so you guys only have one more post on this one to put up with, until it appears in gaming shots

  3. Fantastic detail work, really excellent throughout!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you Iain, glad I made them and painted them as separate pieces as they would have been a lot more difficult in situ. Thankfully the exterior details seem to be a lot quicker to do and a lot less of them as well

  4. I've got to agree with Frank, most folk would be happy with the basic building, your work takes it up a few nothches from that.

    1. Thank you John, sometimes I just don't know when to stop ! LOL

  5. Great stuff Dave! Echoing everyone above, that is some incredible detail work 😀

    1. Thank you Ivor, will actually be glad to get this finished this week, so can properly move onto the next project.
      Do you have a blog Ivor, as I couldn't tell from your profile ?

  6. Blimey, Dave, what a phenomenal job you've done on this! The painting is superb but the details and the careful attention to the movie set is just amazing. Well done!

    1. Thank you Matt, OCD can be a blessing and a curse ! LOL thankfully I've now finished the most time consuming piece ( the chest that Anakin's lightsabre is kept in) and just working on the last two internal bits in a couple of chairs, while I wait for delivery of a moisture vaporator to finish the outside.

  7. Wonderful attention to detail, it's obviously a labour of love and well wotth the effort imho.

    1. Thank you Joe, indeed I am very passionate about this project as a whole, and want every element to be right. (that and the OCD keeps kicking in ! LOL)
