Wednesday, 12 March 2025


 For our Wedding anniversary this year my wife got me a Y-Wing bomber for my Star Wars collection. I've been after one of these since I got my X-Wing many years ago, and in time for our anniversary two options came up on Ebay, one was a lot cheaper, but was a basis and would need a lot of work to bring up the detail, the other more expensive one, seemed to have a high level of detail, my wife got me the more expensive one, as she knows I appreciate detail. When it arrived I was thrilled with the model, it was a 3D resin print not filament, so lovely smooth surfaces and an amazing level of detail that you normally expect from a model kit. 

It came with a pilot, which I've painted up as Gold 5 from a New Hope, all the windows were made from acetate stuck inside the frames.

The detail underneath is just as good, but I needed to modify the front landing gear, as you either fitted the cowling or strut, from the reference I saw, it should have both, so I made a hole in the relevant spot to have the strut go through the cowl.

It even came with a boarding ladder, originally I painted it all silver, but checking the reference it should be yellow, so I did a combination of the two. The only thing missing is an astromech, which I will source one and add it to the model.

Below is the reference picture I used to base it off of.

Really happy with this kit and how it turned out, and my Rebels now have an A-Wing, B-wing prototype, E-Wing, X-Wing, and Y-Wing, before I start anything bigger I need to get my room finished to be able to store more models ! LOL That's all for today, so until next time, stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave

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