Thursday, 6 March 2025


 I've started a new Kroot squad, that is not an official GW one, but utilising parts from the both the new Kroot Carnivore box set, and the Killteam box, I'm making a shotgun squad ( don't know what GW are officially calling them but that's what they look like) These first two come from the carnivore box, and both can be used as a Shaper (squad leader) but I'm using the one on the left. Did do a small conversion by adding more robes to it to help distinguish him.

These next two are standard models, the left is the grenade launcher, which is a new weapon from the carnivore box, and the one on the right is from killteam, and is one of their standard builds ( I did show this one when I originally painted my Killteam box)

These last two are both conversions, the weapons came from the killteam box, and the bodies and heads from the carnivore box.

One bonus I've found from the carnivore box is I no longer have to convert running models, or holding pistols, so that's a bonus ! LOL I think I was harsh in my previous post on lack of being able to convert, as when I started converting it was using metal miniatures, so not easy at all. I guess it was more a criticism on the plastics, and their devolution from what you used to be able to do easily, and the new this is how you build it, but as proved above it's not going to stop me converting ! LOL I still need another four models to finish the squad, so will probably get another Killteam box, as that comes with three, and only needing to  convert one more. That's all for today, so until next time, stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave

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