Friday 14 June 2024



While I continued with the sculpting of the two robots, I needed some more models to use the excess green on, first up is the Jawas you see above utilising the shade of the building under the twin suns on Tatooine, below is one of the greens to show I built it, 

I forgot to photograph the other two in green, but here are all 3 in paint.

These were relatively quick and easy, so needed something else, and here is Sargent Doallyn, you will probably have seen this one as he was the one thrown down the stairs by Chewbacca.

I've also done Bane Malar who is a bounty hunter, if you don't remember him it's because he was in a deleted scene, but later made a large comic appearance.

Now I have actually manage to finish the two robots I started with on the making part, and here is the green's 

Hopefully I can get these into paint fairly quickly, that's all for this post, so until next time, stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave


  1. That shot is so iconic. I remember it from the movie, but also it's been referenced in games like Space Quest. I think that might have been what really stamped that into my mind, because I used to get stuck for hours trying to solve the puzzles in that game and that might have been one of the spots. Anyways, it looks like you might be getting close to a an exterior Cantina diorama someday! ;)
    It looks like Bane Malar's costume was slap-dashed together, so I'm guessing that's why he ended up in the deleted scenes?! I know it's way too early, but it looks like he has a webcam on his helmet, haha! Still, I always love the bounty hunters from Star Wars, so I guess I'd have to read the comic or see Bane show up in TV/Movie before I pass judgment on the character! :)

    1. Thank you Brian, it is a very iconic shot, and yes at some point there will be a cantina, inside and out, maybe next year for season of scenery ! LOL
      A lot of the costumes in the first three movies were cobbled together, and often from costumes they had left over from previous movies ( Bossk was the spaceman from the cantina scene, and a Trandoshan head from the same scene). I think it was either a camera or amplifier, he specialised in tracking down escapee's from the Spice Mines of Kessel.

  2. Utinni! Those are some good looking Jawas, Dave. I have Bane Malar's card somewhere in my Star Wars collection so I definitely knew that background character. The Star Wars CCG seriously made a card for every character in the original trilogy and then some! Your version looks spot on as well.

    1. Thank you Jeff, the only jawas I've seen to buy all have guns, so having some based off the film was a must. I thought you probably had a card for Bane as even though he didn't make it into the movie, he was quite big in the expanded universe.

  3. What a great collection of Star Wars.
    Someday you must lay it all out and showcase in some sort of diorama. 😀

    1. Thank you Stewart, one day I actually want to do some gaming with them, but I want the scenery good enough for a diorama ! LOL

  4. I know you're going to say that the Jawas are just green stuff leftovers, but the mere fact that you had the idea is pure genius to me, and I love how they look. Fantastic job on all of them!

    1. Thank you Suber, it was one of those things that I noticed from the first film, that they were dotted all around the streets of Mos Eisley, so having some in this more unusual pose was a must, and a good way to use up spare green ! LOL

  5. What a good use of all the extra greenstuff!

    1. Thank you SD, I always try to have a model kicking around that needs blocking, so as not to waste greenstuff ! LOL

  6. You are truly the master of esoteric Star Wars characters, Dave!. I love the jawas. What a great use of extra green stuff!

    1. Thank you Keith, other than Bomar, I'm now down to the humans, who are extremely background in Jabba's palace, so even more esoteric models to come ! LOL don't like wasting greenstuff, and don't need anymore stalagmites or stalactites ! LOL

  7. John@justneedsvarnish21 June 2024 at 13:46

    All very nice, Dave! :-) Now I know that when I have excess milliput to use up I'll just makes some jawas (those are great)!

    1. Thank you John, I think the people and aliens doing normal things is lacking in the wargaming range, as they add a lot of character to the streets, can't go wrong with using up the mixed putty ! LOL
