Monday 17 June 2024


 Had a good weekend and managed to finish the two droids, so first off here's BG-J38 have included a colour reference picture as well.

EV-9D9 is also completed I was torn between doing him in browns or metallic, in the end I went with metallic I've also included a colour shot as reference.

I've also been busy on some humans from the palace, and here is the first one Gailid, he was one of the guards on the second skiff at the Sarlac pit, I've got the original green, painted and reference.

Left to do for the palace, is B'omarr Monk, which was the spider like creature at the door, when R2 and 3PO entered, I also need the two droids being tortured, and the rest are all humans, of which I've got a few started, so will have to see how far I get, so until next time, stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave


  1. The droid looks great, Dave! I'm really impressed with Gailid. The folds in the clothing are really nicely done. I wish I had your sculpting skills!

    1. Thank you Brian, glad to finally have those droids done, was pleased with how Gailid turned out, the biggest thing with sculpting is practice and observation of the subject material.

  2. Awesome stuff mate, the two droids look spot on! (as were your reclining Jawa's, that I originally came here to comment on!). That skiff guard reminds me of Howard Wolowitz, from "Big bang theory" (the real one not your version, yours looks way cooler!), perhaps he did get a part after all! 🤣🤣

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Thank you Roger, glad to have the droids finally done, as they have been a bit of a block for me getting Jabba's denizens completed, now I just need to focus on the humans. I'll have to ask the wife on the big bang theory reference, as I've never watched an episode ! LOL

  3. Bravo! Great bravo! Really splendid job, the work on the droids certainly paid off!

    1. Thank you Suber, 9D9 is a little wide in the torso, but at least I've got him done ! LOL glad to have them finished though.

  4. Those are all really well done. Nice job.

    1. Thank you Stewart, got a few more in the works, to take advantage of while I'm on a roll ! LOL

  5. John@justneedsvarnish21 June 2024 at 13:50

    I don't know how you manage to find all these and then turn out such nice figures! :-) Very nice!

    1. Thank you John, once I found the Yodapedia list, and I had names it became a lot easier, google searching the guy stood in the back of Jabba's Palace really wasn't getting very far ! LOL

  6. Those droids are stunning, Dave! The sculpting and painting match the movies perfectly. I recognize Gailid as well. He's not one of the more intimidating members of Jabba's cadre, is he? :D

    1. Thank you Jeff, I think the body on ED is a little wide, but I am my worst critic ! LOL He reminds me of some bikers I've known, where they look unassuming, even weak, but probably some of the most ferocious people I've met ! LOL
