Monday 24 June 2024


 Yes it's that time again, to dust off those scenery projects and take part in this years challenge. As with previous years all scenery counts, from a traffic cone (pylon in other countries) right up to a full gaming board. There is no minimum or maximum to what you do, or whether it's already been started, it's all about getting bits completed, as with previous years I will be including vehicles as well, and it doesn't matter what the scale is either. The start will be the 1st of July and conclude on 31st of August, I will of course give an additional week for people to get all their posts up before doing the roundup. Below are some of last years awesome entries to inspire you.

If you are interested in taking part, please leave a comment below, and if I don't already follow your blog, please include a link. If you are unable to comment on here you can always email me directly at 

That's all for today, so until next time, stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave


  1. Oh man, wish I had taken a better picture of that dungeon tile with the pool now, lol! You can count me in.
    I'm not sure I will have much time to contribute this time around, as no real terrain plans for the next few months. It's too bad, because I do enjoy digging into the foamcraft. I know I'll get at least two small pieces done though. Hmm, would a hand drawn map count as terrain?

    1. Great to have you on board for another year Brian, it was a great piece of scenery, but I feel your pain with the photography ! LOL
      Joy of this challenge there is no minimum, and a drawn map would indeed be terrain just in 2D rather than 3D !LOL

    2. Oh cool, good to know on the map! I'll have to see how that goes. :)

  2. nice selection. whoever did that green battlefield obviously has the hands of a surgeon and the mind of philosopher...LOL
    Course you had to include, knowing that I'd be coming around have my feelings hurt of missing...😜

    I'm in! I got a terrain project, making some trench boards for This Quar's War.

    1. Great to have you on board for another year Stewart, I always include a picture from everyone who took part on the previous year, the hardest part is just picking one from each person ! LOL
      Sounds very ambitious and look forward to seeing it develop.

  3. Count me in Dave, not sure how much I'll get done, but surely I can get at least one piece of scenery done in two months!

    I also have a rather large piece that should count that I need to get done for the boat club too. 😉

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Great to have you on board for another year Roger, that's the joy of this challenge one piece counts, and as there is no limit on scale, so do your boats.

    2. Ahhh it's not actually a boat.......😉

    3. Now I'm even more intrigued ! LOL

  4. I'm in with some Legions Imperialis (8mm scale) terrain!

    1. Great to have you on board again DAM, and don't forget any vehicles you finish in that time count as well.

  5. Ah nice to see the Star Wars Armada show up, I'm in again this year!

    1. Great to have you on board SD, it's always hard to pick just one picture from each participant, so glad you like the pic

  6. John@justneedsvarnish26 June 2024 at 07:51

    Count me in please, Dave! :-) Not sure what with yet, but I'm not short of things to do for it!

    1. Great to have you on board John, I know the feeling so many ideas on what to do ! LOL

  7. Very cool, count me in as well! I'm planning to paint the rest of the goblin encampment that I started last year.

    1. Great to have you on board for another year snapfit, and look forward to seeing the rest of the encampment.
