The Chapter Master strode with purpose, he wouldn't have long without the Inquisitors prying into what he was up to, but the head of the librarians and master of ceremonies would keep them busy as long as possible and out of his way. He enters the inner sanctum of the tech marines, expecting to see the master of the forge, but instead a tech marine greeted him.
"Chapter Master, thank you for coming so quickly as this is a grave matter"
"Where is the master of the Forge, if it's so important ?"
"He is on a important mission sir, we think we have found another lost STL, but has asked me to show our latest findings, please follow me into the secure room."
The two moved quickly into an adjacent room, where a chaos marine was led on the bench in the centre of the room, the Tech Marine secured the door behind them, and switched on the security protocols.
"Is this what was so important ? Why hasn't it been destroyed as normal ? The taint of chaos makes it useless to our armour shortage."
"Here's the thing sir, it's our armour !"
"What stolen from us ?"
"No we've checked the records, and it's from the lost companies, from our founding, the ones that were lost to the warp !"
"Keep this information, quiet, and destroy the body, I'll talk to the master of the Forge when he returns."
Part of my chapters history, is four companies were lost to the warp while travelling to their first mission, and as I have some left over Chaos marines from previous projects, I thought it would be fun to turn the lost companies to Chaos. I'm calling them the Night Claws, and have a similar colour scheme to my chapter, and also Night Lords, but without the bat wings which I dislike. Here is a converted Chaos Lord
Next is an aspiring champion, from the old plastic kit, no conversion on this one.
Last today is a kit bashed Tech Marine for my Night Hawks chapter, added a few details with greenstuff, like the hammer head, and the extra armour on the leg greaves.
That's all for today, so until next time, stay safe, and have fun !
Cheers Dave
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