Monday, 10 February 2025


 Today is the last of my Kroot reinforcements I got for Christmas the Krotox Rampagers. This is a new type unit, as before the Krotox originally were always described as slow and lumbering, and not massively aggressive, where as these seem very different from that, so in my lore I will have these as young bulls, before they learn temperance ( don't know what the GW lore is).

Used my normal colour scheme, and no conversions, these are straight from the box ( it happens occasionally ! LOL) that's all for today, so until next time, stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave


  1. Great work, I like their dynamic poses.

    1. Thank you snapfit, was worried about their balance, as they only have one point of contact to the base, but if you place them correctly on the base they are well balanced.

  2. yeah, these don't look slow and lumbering, look more like a charging gorilla. nice job! 😁

    1. Thank you Stewart, I think you nailed the simile perfectly ! LOL

  3. I think the charging look is a better one for Space Gorillas - I mean, Krootox. Like the sculpts tho.

    1. Thank you Dai, I always thought a rearing Krootox would look cool, and it does ! LOL might have to do the sculpt with something similar.

  4. I reall y like them, the poses are aggressive and dynamic, so your idea of young, enthusiast beasts suits them. Well done

    1. Thank you Suber, I like to have a background for the models on the board, and that seemed the most logical ! LOL

  5. Nicely done and very consistent between all of them!

    1. Thank you SD, I've got the paint recipe lodged in my head, with how many I've painted, but do like to mix it up, so as to get variation in there.

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you Andy, thought I was finished on this army. then GW released new models ! LOL

  7. For me, there's nothing more satisfying than taking a GW miniature and putting a fresh spin on it painting-wise and that is something that really strikes me when I see your Kroot. I'd be surprised if many people own any that look like yours which is pretty cool when you think about it.

    I like the bright colors and war paint a lot too! They give the Kroot a distinct personality, especially since I don't remember anything about their lore anymore either.

    1. Thank you Jeff, wanted something other than green, and tropical birds were the starting influence for these, funnily enough I've seen GW paint a similar colour scheme as one of there alternatives ! LOL
      The lore I know and remember is all pre 6th Edition rules, so has probably changed multiple times since then, so I'm just making it up as I go along now, as I'm not using the rules, or background ! LOL

  8. John@justneedsvarnish16 February 2025 at 09:41

    Those are really nice minis, Dave! :-) Very dynamic! Glad you're pleased with them as they come and your colour scheme works well on them!

    1. Thank you John, they seemed dynamic enough that I didn't need to do anything extra to them ! LOL that was a bonus.

  9. the darker color scheme for the kroots you have done is so dark and eerie it makes them look like actual killers and hunters.
    GW always used least back when i remember soft light tones of brown of sorts, these look badass. awesome job.

    1. Thank you Mr. Martin, it all started with the notion that the race evolved from birds, and they live in a jungle, so why not base them off of a tropical bird colours, and then I like to vary the colours in the army so different shades of the blue, for females I've gone really light, and even done a albino shaper for the hound unit.

  10. These three look great - and agreed with the other commenters that the dark blue and red looks very effective. I think once you've finished all of the new figures that you have we may need a whole-force Kroot army photoshoot!

    1. Thank you Azazael, I do like my colour scheme for them, and once I've got the three great Gnarloc's done for Monster May(hem) I will endeavour to do a group shot for you, and hopefully this year I will be able to get my gaming table up, and use them in a game.
