Friday, 21 February 2025


 Managed to get hold of some parts to make another medical landspeeder, this time I've done the second company one, meaning yellow trims. I've also been thinking what Iain said about making them more individual and added a couple of extra sections in white to what I'd done on the previous ones.

Here's the other two I'd already done for comparison.

This now means I need another three to complete this project within the project, but as I'm still trying to work out what I want the first company to look like it may take a while, have had the idea of using Grey Knights as they have a knight look to them, but will need to add a lot of detail. That's all for today, so until next time stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave


  1. Wow!! Those Speeders look absolutely awesome, Dave. Do they ever get to see much tabletop action these days, or are they a labour of love..?

  2. That is a great concept to have a medical speeder. It only makes sense that they'd need one and I like the white marine. I think they're called Apothecaries but I might be wrong on that. Its been a while since I've cracked open a Space Marine codex, in my defense!

  3. All three look excellent, that's going to be a mighty impressive group once you've finished it.
