Or should that read slow day ! LOL We had roughly two inches of snow on Saturday, but 24 hours later it was all gone due to the rain, so not too much disruption. Haven't got anything more done for my challenge as I am busy sorting orders and working on commission stuff, first of which are these three Woolly Rhino, it seams to be a family group, to me, have to say that the 3D printed fur didn't lend itself to drybrushing, so had to paint the strands individually.
Next is a very simple basing exercise, of adding larger more stable bases to some bottle brush fir trees, client wanted snow bases for these.
Last today is a treasure hoard, the print on the money was quite shallow, so had to paint where I thought the coins would be.
Still got a lot more to do for this commission, and several scratchbuilds to finish as well, so expect to see more from this in the future, hopefully I can fit in some of my stuff as well, so until next time, stay safe, and have fun !
Cheers Dave