Monday, 10 February 2025


 Today is the last of my Kroot reinforcements I got for Christmas the Krotox Rampagers. This is a new type unit, as before the Krotox originally were always described as slow and lumbering, and not massively aggressive, where as these seem very different from that, so in my lore I will have these as young bulls, before they learn temperance ( don't know what the GW lore is).

Used my normal colour scheme, and no conversions, these are straight from the box ( it happens occasionally ! LOL) that's all for today, so until next time, stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave

Friday, 7 February 2025


 One of the gifts I got for Christmas was the new Rebel Sleeper Cell box, this is one of the new sets by Atomic Mass Games, and there are several noticeable differences to previous rebel box sets, first there is more models in the set (that's a bonus), the next is the face detail is shallower, so needs more work to make look right ( not great, but manageable), and the last difference was there was no female sculpts in the set (disappointing, as I liked the equal opportunities element). The set contains 5 humans, two aliens and an astromech. First up the humans.

Went with the same colour pallet I've used on all my rebels. Next is the aliens.

As you can see you get a Sullustan ( same species as Nien Nunb) and a Rodian, I've gone with blue skin, as I've already got a lot of green, and yellow/orange ones.

Above is the Astromech, now this comes with several options, but as I've painted a lot based on the movie ones already, I went with the option that isn't movie based, and decided to call it A2V. The set also has a Loth Cat, which is supposed to be on the base of one of the rebels, but I put it on a separate base and will add it to the bases I've got from Imperial Assault. That's all for today, so until next time stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave

Monday, 3 February 2025


 Today I have another Kroot reinforcement from Christmas the new Krootox model, I've built it with the new grenade launcher option, as this will give my army another new weapon to use.

I've painted it up in my standard colours, but played with darker tones on the Krootox, overall I like the new model, except all the bangles on the arms, they're a bit over the top for my taste. How does it compare to the old model, well here they are side by side.

As you can see above it's a bit larger and a lot more quills on it, so it could be the old one is female and the new one is male, as I'm not replacing my old ones, just adding in the new one, as you can have up to 5 in a squad and this now brings my total up to 4, there is a spare head, so I might a second one, just not sculpt all the bangles on the arms so I have a full contingent. That's all for today, so until next time, stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave

Thursday, 30 January 2025


 For Christmas not only did I get more Star Wars miniatures, I also got some reinforcements for my Kroot army, yes I know last year I said it was finished then GW released a whole bunch of new models, so it was probably a given it was going to increase ! LOL So what have I got to show today, it's the new Kroot Lone-Spear, the rider I've done in the normal colours for the army, just a bit of a darker shade to normal.

The colour scheme for the chameleonic Kalamandra, I've gone for a Chameleon colour scheme, yes I could have gone with GW's colours but as I haven't for the rest of the army, why start now ! LOL Below is the reference picture I used as the basis.

One thing I noticed was the the colours seem to be dots all over the body, so used this as the method to paint the whole beast, never liked doing this process in art which is called pointillism, but actually enjoyed doing this a lot more. That's all for today, so until next time stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave

Monday, 27 January 2025



If you are expecting Ruby, Liv, and Sarah you'll be disappointed as these have TK  numbers, as it's the new Star Wars Legion Imperial riot control squad. It has multiple members the first 3 are the sergeant with sniper rifle and two troopers with blaster and shield.

The next two have energy batons and shields.

The last two to round out the squad are K series enforcer droids.

This is one of the first kits I've got made from Atomic Mass hard plastic, and I'm not a huge fan, they are a pain to glue, as they don't take plastic glue ( mind you the previous ones didn't either) the plastic is very brittle and doesn't carve well, and my last complaint is the lack of detail compared to the older models, especially the enforcer droids, as I have the K2SO model to compare it to, and the detail is sorely lacking, but at least these are now finished, that's all for today, so until next time, stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave

Friday, 24 January 2025


 I have finished all four options of the Dewback and rider, the first one is probably the most iconic with the rod and white shoulderpad, that appeared in the first Star Wars movie, before being remastered.

Next is a stormtrooper with another heavy weapon.

While I was doing these two, I also added the chipping that Jeff suggested on the inferno trooper, and the weathering.

This means that all three count for my PWYG challenge.

And as a final picture all four on patrol.

Great to get this unit finished, don't think I'll do any more unless atomic mass games release a different version, I tried to add some variation between them by changing some of the colours I used on the Dewbacks. That's all for today, so until next time, stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave

Monday, 20 January 2025


 Yo may remember the staircases I made for my client before Christmas, and he thought it would be cool to have another level for them to butt up to. I wanted to add a bit of interest to some of the sides, but I did the first one as just a plain wall.

Next I did a recessed alcove with a jade dragon vase on a plinth, this could be entrance to a secret passage way, or just the remains of a loved one.

The next side I did was a simple doorway, which could lead to another room or maybe to a dungeon, you can also see that I did marble flooring on the second level.

The last side I thought an indoor water feature with a gargoyle face, would be fun.

The last piece i have to show for my client is a sculpted and painted dragon banner top, my client already had the banner and pole, I just added the top, and below is the reference he sent me to base it off of.

That's all for today, hopefully the next post will be some of my own PWYG entrances, so until next time, stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave

Friday, 17 January 2025


 The Alchemist Destevano wasn't a man of renown, in fact most of his clients were of a more seedy nature rather than upstanding, but it kept him in business. A lot of the time his payment was a share from a job, and would come in many forms not just gold or precious gems. One such share provided him a scroll which he found most intriguing, it detailed a way of turning lead into Gold. A lot of the materials needed were easily available, even to a man of his meagre standing, but there were two elements, that he needed help with, the first was a large rainbow Diamond, the only one he knew of the right size belonged to the local magistrate, his alliances with the local thugs and thieves paid off here, and they procured the needed diamond for him, while they kept the rest of the loot. The next element was a large supply of human bone, as the transformation needed the calcium to catalyse the  change in the lead, luckily he knew the local grave robbers, so a quick bribe later, and he had an endless supply. 

His first batch didn't completely work, as the beams from the Rainbow Diamond weren't focused enough on the pot, and a lot were lost in the room, he developed up a set of focusing plates made from Copper, to keep as much of the rays in the area needed, and now got a full pot of gold every time. He would need to be careful how he spent the new found wealth, not to draw attention to himself, from the local wealthy, as they would not appreciate his new standing.

This was a commission for my client, the basic idea was based off of the machine seen in the movie Hudson Hawk, but simplified down, to make it easier to build, and less fragile. The reason for the two pictures was to show all the detail before the plates were added, and I thought a little story would add to the background. That's all for today, so until next time, stay safe, and have fun ! 

Cheers Dave