Wednesday, 12 March 2025


 For our Wedding anniversary this year my wife got me a Y-Wing bomber for my Star Wars collection. I've been after one of these since I got my X-Wing many years ago, and in time for our anniversary two options came up on Ebay, one was a lot cheaper, but was a basis and would need a lot of work to bring up the detail, the other more expensive one, seemed to have a high level of detail, my wife got me the more expensive one, as she knows I appreciate detail. When it arrived I was thrilled with the model, it was a 3D resin print not filament, so lovely smooth surfaces and an amazing level of detail that you normally expect from a model kit. 

It came with a pilot, which I've painted up as Gold 5 from a New Hope, all the windows were made from acetate stuck inside the frames.

The detail underneath is just as good, but I needed to modify the front landing gear, as you either fitted the cowling or strut, from the reference I saw, it should have both, so I made a hole in the relevant spot to have the strut go through the cowl.

It even came with a boarding ladder, originally I painted it all silver, but checking the reference it should be yellow, so I did a combination of the two. The only thing missing is an astromech, which I will source one and add it to the model.

Below is the reference picture I used to base it off of.

Really happy with this kit and how it turned out, and my Rebels now have an A-Wing, B-wing prototype, E-Wing, X-Wing, and Y-Wing, before I start anything bigger I need to get my room finished to be able to store more models ! LOL That's all for today, so until next time, stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave

Thursday, 6 March 2025


 I've started a new Kroot squad, that is not an official GW one, but utilising parts from the both the new Kroot Carnivore box set, and the Killteam box, I'm making a shotgun squad ( don't know what GW are officially calling them but that's what they look like) These first two come from the carnivore box, and both can be used as a Shaper (squad leader) but I'm using the one on the left. Did do a small conversion by adding more robes to it to help distinguish him.

These next two are standard models, the left is the grenade launcher, which is a new weapon from the carnivore box, and the one on the right is from killteam, and is one of their standard builds ( I did show this one when I originally painted my Killteam box)

These last two are both conversions, the weapons came from the killteam box, and the bodies and heads from the carnivore box.

One bonus I've found from the carnivore box is I no longer have to convert running models, or holding pistols, so that's a bonus ! LOL I think I was harsh in my previous post on lack of being able to convert, as when I started converting it was using metal miniatures, so not easy at all. I guess it was more a criticism on the plastics, and their devolution from what you used to be able to do easily, and the new this is how you build it, but as proved above it's not going to stop me converting ! LOL I still need another four models to finish the squad, so will probably get another Killteam box, as that comes with three, and only needing to  convert one more. That's all for today, so until next time, stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave

Friday, 28 February 2025


 With the new Great Gnarloc's I'm building for Monster May(hem) I needed some new herders, as each creature needed one herder, now I had two herders originaly from the first Gnarloc I bought from Forgeworld, so only need two more. I've built them from the new Kroot Carnivore squad, and these two are actually standard builds from the set.

Below is the two new herders with my two original ones, I think I still need to add goading sticks to the new ones, and rifles to the old ones.

So I have some initial thoughts on the new box compared to the old one, first you get less Kroot in the box, and it is more expensive, no real big surprise there. The second thing I have to say the detail is not as crisp on the new models, as the detail is shallower, a natural side effect of them being 3D sculpted. The last thing of real note, is these models, will be harder to convert, with the way the models fix together, where as the old one's any set of arms would fit on any body, and any body would fit on any set of legs. The fact that the new models are slightly taller, doesn't bother me, as you would get varying sizes in nature. This concludes my entries for paint what you got, so until next time, stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave

Monday, 24 February 2025


 The Chapter Master strode with purpose, he wouldn't have long without the Inquisitors prying into what he was up to, but the head of the librarians and master of ceremonies would keep them busy as long as possible and out of his way. He enters the inner sanctum of the tech marines, expecting to see the master of the forge, but instead a tech marine greeted him.

"Chapter Master, thank you for coming so quickly as this is a grave matter"

"Where is the master of the Forge, if it's so important ?"

"He is on a important mission sir, we think we have found another lost STL, but has asked me to show our latest findings, please follow me into the secure room."

The two moved quickly into an adjacent room, where a chaos marine was led on the bench in the centre of the room, the Tech Marine secured the door behind them, and switched on the security protocols.

"Is this what was so important ? Why hasn't it been destroyed as normal ? The taint of chaos makes it useless to our armour shortage."

"Here's the thing sir, it's our armour !"

"What stolen from us ?"

"No we've checked the records, and it's from the lost companies, from our founding, the ones that were lost to the warp !"

"Keep this information, quiet, and destroy the body, I'll talk to the master of the Forge when he returns."

Part of my chapters history, is four companies were lost to the warp while travelling to their first mission, and as I have some left over Chaos marines from previous projects, I thought it would be fun to turn the lost companies to Chaos. I'm calling them the Night Claws, and have a similar colour scheme to my chapter, and also Night Lords, but without the bat wings which I dislike. Here is a converted Chaos Lord

Next is an aspiring champion, from the old plastic kit, no conversion on this one.

Last today is a kit bashed Tech Marine for my Night Hawks chapter, added a few details with greenstuff, like the hammer head, and the extra armour on the leg greaves.

That's all for today, so until next time, stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave

Friday, 21 February 2025


 Managed to get hold of some parts to make another medical landspeeder, this time I've done the second company one, meaning yellow trims. I've also been thinking what Iain said about making them more individual and added a couple of extra sections in white to what I'd done on the previous ones.

Here's the other two I'd already done for comparison.

This now means I need another three to complete this project within the project, but as I'm still trying to work out what I want the first company to look like it may take a while, have had the idea of using Grey Knights as they have a knight look to them, but will need to add a lot of detail. That's all for today, so until next time stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave

Monday, 17 February 2025



While I've been busy trying to finish the last of my Christmas presents, I have finished off a set of three models that have been sat on my desk for far too long, the herders for my Salamander. The models were originally the second edition herders that were updated with greenstuff to look more like the current versions.

Below is the GW latest version, I had to change the weapons to match the current ones, and also add the backplates to bring them inline. That's all for today, so until next time, stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave

Friday, 14 February 2025


 When my daughter was looking for presents for me she found a 3D print of Jon Favreau holding an E-Web cannon, and thought I would appreciate it, although had no idea what I could use it for, well I'm going to add it to my Rebel forces.

What would have been a ideal was a model of Dave Filoni as well, but she couldn't find one, so based on his appearance in the Mandalorian as a pilot within the New Republic, I made a version of him as a rebel.

Here is the dynamic duo together, I suppose the title of the post my guns bigger than yours, but it's not a competition ! LOL

Next are two characters that were in Star Wars Rebels which was Dave's work from the Inquisitors the  5th Brother and 7th Sister.

That's all for today, so until next time stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave 

Monday, 10 February 2025


 Today is the last of my Kroot reinforcements I got for Christmas the Krotox Rampagers. This is a new type unit, as before the Krotox originally were always described as slow and lumbering, and not massively aggressive, where as these seem very different from that, so in my lore I will have these as young bulls, before they learn temperance ( don't know what the GW lore is).

Used my normal colour scheme, and no conversions, these are straight from the box ( it happens occasionally ! LOL) that's all for today, so until next time, stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave