Monday 17 June 2024


 Had a good weekend and managed to finish the two droids, so first off here's BG-J38 have included a colour reference picture as well.

EV-9D9 is also completed I was torn between doing him in browns or metallic, in the end I went with metallic I've also included a colour shot as reference.

I've also been busy on some humans from the palace, and here is the first one Gailid, he was one of the guards on the second skiff at the Sarlac pit, I've got the original green, painted and reference.

Left to do for the palace, is B'omarr Monk, which was the spider like creature at the door, when R2 and 3PO entered, I also need the two droids being tortured, and the rest are all humans, of which I've got a few started, so will have to see how far I get, so until next time, stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave

Friday 14 June 2024



While I continued with the sculpting of the two robots, I needed some more models to use the excess green on, first up is the Jawas you see above utilising the shade of the building under the twin suns on Tatooine, below is one of the greens to show I built it, 

I forgot to photograph the other two in green, but here are all 3 in paint.

These were relatively quick and easy, so needed something else, and here is Sargent Doallyn, you will probably have seen this one as he was the one thrown down the stairs by Chewbacca.

I've also done Bane Malar who is a bounty hunter, if you don't remember him it's because he was in a deleted scene, but later made a large comic appearance.

Now I have actually manage to finish the two robots I started with on the making part, and here is the green's 

Hopefully I can get these into paint fairly quickly, that's all for this post, so until next time, stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave

Monday 10 June 2024



In a New Hope several times there was a funny looking white droid (inside the sand crawler, walking around Mos Eisley) with not much mentioned about it. We now know they are CZ communication droids, and can actually communicate offworld to orbiting spacecraft. Now fast forward to Return of the Jedi, and we see a dismantled one in the droid torture room, what you may have missed is the functioning one in the throne room.

As you can see from the shot above, you'd need to be quick to spot it ! LOL for completeness, I decided to make one, I started with a cast of my RA-7 protocol droid, and then added green to the face, chest and back, to bring it inline with the reference pictures.

With the painting once I'd got the white how I wanted it, I went back in with some Nuln oil wash, to add the dirty marks, as I've only seen a couple of these, the one will do, but will need to make the dismantled one when I get around to building the droid torture chamber.

 That's all for this post, so until next time stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave

Friday 7 June 2024


 Progress has been slow on the two robots, as many of you mentioned they look fiddly, and are ! LOL Only getting a little bit of green on each, before having to stop on that one for the day, but here they are as of today.

I will normally have another model in the works, so I can use up any mixed up greenstuff, rather than wasting it, and as it happened this ended up being much quicker than the original two, so who have I done, well it's Cane Adiss, no idea who I'm talking about, well he is a denizen of Jabba's Palace, and he was only in shot for a few seconds, and behind multiple others, so easy to miss, here is the only reference from the film.

So how to know what it's supposed to look like ? Well I resorted to my go to the action figure range, where I found three versions.

Out of the three I liked the one walking around on two hands, so that's what I've based my green on.

While waiting for green to set, I've also managed to get it into paint.

That's all for today, so until next time, stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave

Monday 3 June 2024


 It's the month of doing obscure characters again, as I'm very busy on commission work, I'm planning small, but if I get time I'll do more, if you want to read more on the rules check out Jez's blog carrioncrowsbuffet . So which realm am I doing this year, I'm returning to my favourite realm Star Wars, and trying to get a bit more of Jabba's Palace completed so the first one is EV-9D9 the robot we first met in the robot torture room assessing 3PO and R2, now the style of robot has now also been seen in the Madalorian, and the Book of Boba Fett.

What's that he isn't really that obscure, well this next one is BG-J38, if you blinked you missed him as he was one of those really background characters.

Traditionally you show the base model you are converting, but these two are going to be scratchbuilds using plastic rod and greenstuff, so nothing to show2 here ! LOL

To get me in the mood for the challenge I've painted up a couple of obscure characters, that I recently purchased, first up is Colonel Yularen, in the original movie, he was just a guy sat in the briefing room, with Grand Moff Tarkin, and Darth Vader, but since then he has been a huge part of the Clone Wars, Rebels, and more recently Andor.

Next is General Dodonna, in the original movie he actually had lines and did the briefing on the attack of the Death Star, but has since also appeared in Rebels, and Rogue One

Next is a Trandoshan Hunter, this was a freebie, from the seller.

This next one was also a freebie, and after a bit of research I found it was a T3 astromech, you've not heard of them, well neither had I, but they are from the Old Republic video games.

It reminds me of the robot YIP from the Star Wars rip off the Humanoid.

Well that's all for today, so until next time, stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave