Friday, 29 November 2024


 Not me personally, as with my luck I'd crash and burn ! LOL I'm thinking more about flightless birds, and would they rather be soaring in the sky ? I think though that the Great Gnarloc would struggle with it's size getting airborne, so ground based it will stay, so why the thoughts on this, well I've finished sculpting the latest Great Gnarloc, now it's not finished because it needs weapons and crew, but I need to get some more Kroot to sort out that part, hopefully Christmas will help with that.

As you can see above I've utilised a piece from the Kroot Kill Team box with the looted chainsword, but everything else was green stuff over foam core centre, and the base is an old disk that no longer worked.

While I've been doing this I also had another mad idea (strange that ! LOL) this relates to my Night Hawk chapter of the Space Marines, most of the ideas are normally based on the character of the chapter, and this one is no different, as the chapter isn't at full strength I thought that having more than just one apothecary per company would be a good thing as they would be limited on gene seed and need to recover as much as possible. With this in mind I thought each company would need an air ambulance, to get to the dead and injured as quick as possible.

As you can see above I've modified the cockpit and put in foot plates, to make it look more complete. The basic model I started with was the landspeeder Storm, as it already had a space between the control area and engine, and the triple engine setup, I did have to lengthen the mid section to allow for stretchers, which I am in the process of making. I still need another 4 of these, and GW have now stopped selling them, so I guess I'll be scouring Ebay for more. That's all for todays post, so until next time, stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave


  1. wow! just wow! that Gnarloc looks insanely good

    1. Thank you Andy, I think it's the best one I've done so far, but have already started the last two I want, and the first Gnarloc rider as well.

  2. Agreed with Da Gobbo - that's an amazing looking Gnarloc - and look at the size of that Turkey Leg on him for our American friends!
    Air Ambo looks great so far - looking forward to seeing how it progresses. :)

    1. Thank you Azazael, a big family wouldn't have to argue if they all wanted leg ! LOL
      It's slightly different from the first one I built as that was made from a standard landspeeder, which I don't mind as that is the fourth company one, where everything is mounted in a speeder.

  3. Magnificent work on the Great Gnarloc, Dave. I wish I had both your patience and skill with green-stuff. That's going to look awesome when its painted as you've put in so much detail to 'pick out'. Terrific sculpt.

    1. Thank you Simon, mostly practice and experimentation to get to this point, plus being able to break it down into the component parts really helps ! LOL Won't be painting this one until May, so should give me plenty of time to get the rest built I would like as well.

  4. Your skills with greenstuff never cease to amaze me. But oh, the idea of an ambulance is awesome. How I never came up with that! Brilliant work, Dave!

    1. Thank you Suber, very much appreciated. I'll try to remember to include a picture with the first one I did when it gets painted, and do a group picture when all six are done, but that may be a while ! LOL

  5. Genuis sculpting. I sometimes wonder if flying creatures wish they could swim. Everything wants what it's not. 😆

    1. Thank you Stewart, I wonder are we trying to evolve, or just want to be something were not ! LOL

  6. Splendid sculpting skills on show! I really like the stretched landspeeder, GW pimp my ride?
    Best Iain caveadsum1471

    1. Thank you Iain, I think 70 % of my landspeeders would qualify for pimp my ride, if not more ! LOL

  7. John@justneedsvarnish6 December 2024 at 04:16

    Nice work on both, Dave! :-) The Great Gnarloc sculpt really is nice! Although probably in the distant future, even I have plans for flightless birds in one of my armies! I like the ambulance conversion and the idea behind it. Fortunately, or unfortunately depending on your viewpoint, a very long time ago I received excellent first aid from a medic in an FV432 armoured ambulance for a minor burn - it was very compact inside but well equipped.

    1. Thank you John, probably not as big as these though as you work in 20 mm scale ! LOL Everything in my marine army has to have some background to it, to make them individual ! LOL Even though you had the misfortune of having the need, I'm bet you glad they had one and it was well equipped.

  8. Thank yo Jeff, I'll try to remember to add a Kroot and also the Forgeworld Gnarloc so you can see scale between them all.
