Monday 14 October 2024


 It's probably no surprise that I would want a model of the Mandalorian and Grogu, especially as I already have his N1 Starfighter, so was happy to get the set for my birthday, I've used multiple silver paints and washes to get the right sort of tones to his armour.

His little companion comes in two variations, one doing the magic hand thing, and the other in his favourite pastime eating, although they only provide a base for one version, it wasn't a major problem as I always have this size base about for my scratch builds ! LOL

Here is a shot of the two of them with his fighter.

I've also got my first two TIE Fighter pilots finished, tried to highlight the different areas of black differently to show the different materials.

Here they are exiting a LAAT

That's all for today, so until next time, stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave

Friday 11 October 2024


 Haven't had a lot of time this week because of commission work, but did manage the second AT-AT driver, same as the first one on the conversion work, and painting.

I think that these will be the only two I do, as I only have one AT-AT, I could do more for forces within an Imperial outpost, but would only need the two as surviving crew if the AT-AT got blown up, so will probably go with the later, as I have more vehicles the TIE fighter pilots would be piloting, so will make the other 5 Inferno squad into TIE pilots.

While were talking of two's I've got two more portraits finished for my client.

You will notice they are all now added to wall sections, I've made them as small as possible so they can be moved around, or placed in front of a full wall to blend in, this was my solution to my clients request, that they could be free standing, and moved about.

That's all for this post, so until next time, stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave

Monday 7 October 2024


 Recently I levelled up in the game of life, and my family got me some great gifts, I had a pair of books, the next graphic novel for A.B.C. Warriors, and a book all about Stormtroopers, and their development, and variations.

I also got some models, including Dewback Rider, Scout Squad, Mando & Grogu, and a Inferno Squad. Now the last one you may know nothing about, as this is a made up Imperial unit, now you may be thinking Dave only goes for ones that appear in the movies or series, and you would be right, but I had a plan ! LOL Below is what the standard miniatures look like.

Recently you may remember I found pilot models for my AT-ST, and my AT-DP, and I've continued to look out for AT-AT pilots, having not found any, I realised that the above Inferno squad were very similar, so with a bit of conversion I could make the above into AT-AT drivers, and also TIE fighter pilots. Below is my first conversion of each.

I've then painted the first driver, to check it worked, and can be seen below.

Here is a reference picture to see if you think it looks right.

You may have noticed I haven't painted the symbols, and I'm thinking of looking for a transfer to achieve that, as it would need to be pretty small. That's all for today, so until next time, stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave

Friday 4 October 2024


 been busy on commission work this week so nothing for Apocalypse Me, or Orctober ( I know, two challenges at the same time, who would be that mad ! Well me obviously ! LOL), as I have been busy on commission pieces, the first three are for one of my regular clients, and have a spooky theme to them, which is very apt for this time of year. First up is a fireplace, this was built out of foamcore, some plasticard, and a bit of greenstuff.

Next is a Grandfather Clock, this was mostly plasticard, some acetate and a bit of greenstuff.

Last is a portrait, this was greenstuff on a plasticard back, I gave the canvas texture, to give it a bit of realism, and it's been a while since I've done a bit of traditional art, let alone in miniature ! LOL

Here is a group shot, with a model for scale.

Last today is the recent commission I did for Jeff over at kuribospainting why have I not shown this before, well I wanted Jeff, to post about it first, which he already has.

This was an interesting piece to do, based off of a Black Bellied Pangolin ( one of the larger species), as it's based off of a real creature, it has to be 100 % accurate, and have includes the reference picture below.

Still got a lot more commissions to finish, so no idea what will be in the next post, so will be a surprise to us all ! LOL So until next time, stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave

Monday 30 September 2024


 Hope you've all recovered from Season of Scenery, as it's now time for Apocalypse Me, the challenge where any model or scenery piece for any apocalypse can be painted, so if Post apocalyptic is your thing ( Judge Dredd, Fallout, Mad Max to name but three), or Zombie apocalypse is your thing, now is the time to get your models finished, not sure what an apocalypse event is, here is a definition 

an event resulting in great destruction and violent change

So if you can explain what apocalypse event is going on then I'm sure it will count, some people describe World War 2 as an apocalyptic event, so you can see the scope is quite broad. Mark has already mentioned he would like to do some of his Wars of Ozz models, as they are based on the end of Ozz, due to war.

Below are some of the fantastic entries from last years challenge

If you are feeling extra creative, you can always convert or paint a model of yourself in your favourite apocalypse setting, here is the one I did of myself in the first challenge, for a Zombie Apocalypse.

If you would like to take part, please leave a comment below, and if yours is a blog I don't currently follow or comment on, please leave a link to your blog as well.

Talking of Blog's Da Gobbo has recently restarted blogging, he was a large commenter in the early days of this blog, and has been missed during his hiatus, his blog dagobbosgrotto covers a wide range of subject material (his recent burrows & Badgers buildings are awesome) will be posting up zombie apocalypse battle reports which will be well worth a read during the month of October.

That's all for today, so until next time, stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave

Thursday 26 September 2024



Not me personally, but Chalmun, being a Wookie in a time when the Empire are actively hunting them, I thought his vehicle port would need the necessary equipment to maintain his vehicle and keep it in readiness for a quick getaway. First up is the fuelling area, from the cutaway picture, I could see rough shapes, but needed to add the detail to make it believable. On the other side of the pillar, is a random pipe, now having worked in several industrial buildings, there would often be a random pipe that no one knew what it's use was, or where it went, so this is one of those ! LOL

Next there was what looked like a big electrical type box, which I've adapted to a diagnostic machine, with cabling and connector to suit the task.

On the other wall was another electrical looking box, which this one I made into a battery charging station, with the connector and cabling.

Last today, is a bit that wasn't in the cutout, as there was a wall in the way, so I decided to put in a workbench, as Chalmun is a Wookie, I went with a wooden bench, and added a vice, tool box, and welding/ cutting tool.

This will be my last post on the cantina for a while, as next week starts Apocalypse Me, and I've got a big commission order I'm working on as well, so until next time, stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave

Monday 23 September 2024


 I've been busy over the weekend, trying to get the next seller area finished, this is another Jawa selling parts, and has a bigger selection from the first one I showed the last time.

As you can see above I used the Jawa I got recently with the scrap on his back, he seemed to fit being a seller well. Below is a clearer shot of the scrap in this section.

A lot of the bits came out of my spares box, and some were 3D casting bits that were removed from some of the vehicles I've got in the past.

Below is a overhead shot, which shows the two covers to help block out the extreme suns.

Below is a shot from the other end, showing the Moisture vaporators, and you can see a power droid in the shade, who knows if it works or not ! LOL

Last today I also made the awning for the front of the shop at the same time as the other two shown above, this was more complicated being arched but happy with the results.

That's all for todays post, so until next time, stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave