No this isn't dejavu, just more of the same ! LOL First is the second candelabra, I did one of the candles blown out and smoking on this one, just to add some interest.
The second set of stairs my client asked if I would leave off the balustrade, and is currently deciding which he prefers.
That should have been the end of this order, but added a new piece yesterday, so that will be coming up at some point ! LOL I have however repainted my old Imperial Assault Dewback, after I did the new one I wasn't happy with the old one, this is what he used to look like, for those that don't remember that far back.
Here is what he looks like now.
You may have noticed I added some back hair to tie in with the other one, this was a simple addition with greenstuff. That's all for today, so until next time, stay safe, and have fun !
Cheers Dave