Monday, 3 February 2025


 Today I have another Kroot reinforcement from Christmas the new Krootox model, I've built it with the new grenade launcher option, as this will give my army another new weapon to use.

I've painted it up in my standard colours, but played with darker tones on the Krootox, overall I like the new model, except all the bangles on the arms, they're a bit over the top for my taste. How does it compare to the old model, well here they are side by side.

As you can see above it's a bit larger and a lot more quills on it, so it could be the old one is female and the new one is male, as I'm not replacing my old ones, just adding in the new one, as you can have up to 5 in a squad and this now brings my total up to 4, there is a spare head, so I might a second one, just not sculpt all the bangles on the arms so I have a full contingent. That's all for today, so until next time, stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave


  1. They both look great, clearly the newer one has been eating it's Weetabix.

    1. Thank you misterc, indeed it does ! LOL

    2. I don't know much about the Kroot, but my son in law collects Tau. Maybe I should get some?

    3. For the main part they are part of the Tau army, but can now be taken as a stand alone army. For the Tau army these are the close combat element, not to say their shooting is bad either, they are good all rounder.

  2. Agree on the bangles. Something so brutish and feral wouldn't wear 'em I think?
    Regardless, it's a good new addition and I think a sculpted one to bring your squad to 5 members is a great idea, albeit lots more work for you.

    Reminds me.... I have L-O-N-G neglected project to use left over pieces from when I bought and painted a Beast of Nurgle and had planned to sculpt a second Beast so those leftover parts weren't wasted!

    1. Thank you Dai, would have preferred sculpted muscle over the bangles, but GW are known for over complicating their sculpts ! LOL In the grand scheme of things it shouldn't take too long to sculpt and certainly quicker than the Great Knarloc's which I've now sculpted 5 of ! LOL
      Hope you get round to the beast sculpt, and do remember the one you painted, although had to remind myself of my comment ! LOL

    2. I know right? That post was from 2018! O_o I really need to stop getting sidetracked by new shiny things. LOL

    3. I think we all think that mate, but then it's oh look shiny ! LOL

  3. perfectly normal thing to have in your army..... I'm surprised the USA doesn't have something similar on the back of a bison or something....

    great job! 😁

    1. Thank you Stewart, it wouldn't surprise me if they did either, as I recall they tried weaponizing Dolphins at one point ! LOL

  4. Oh, it looks wonderful! The new model is bigger, right, but not desproportionately, both models work when together, it only seems natural to have creatures of different heights, so this is a total win

    1. Thank you Suber, agreed in nature creatures vary in size greatly in the same species, with the difference in plumage, I thought the old ones could be female as they have less, and the new being male as it has more, seeing they are evolved from birds.

  5. Huh, I just thought the new model was a different build or something, nice to see that they're keeping the design language very similar instead of making a completely new revamp.

    1. Thank you SD, yes they have kept the basic aesthetics, just added more plumage (quills), the face is a little different, but I can live with that ! LOL

  6. very nice Dave, love the colour scheme

    1. Thank you Andy, went with a more tropical bird colours rather the standard GW green

  7. I do like your colour scheme for these, Dave. Really eye-catching. You did make me laugh with your thoughts surrounding the spare head you have. I'm always - oh, a spare head. I'll pop that in my bitz box for a rainy day. But you're - oh, a spare head. I must sculpt the rest of the model for it. LOL!!!

    1. Thank you Simon, the red and blue do pop together and give a tropical bird feel to them, so glad I went with that. For me the spare head means I can do one with a different stance, and also leave off all the bangles which I'm not a fan of, but the elements I do like on the new sculpt I should be able to replicate easy enough, so I get the model I would really like ! LOL

  8. Nice new addition, glad to see they're using the same style and haven't radically changed it!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you Iain, agreed a radical change like the hounds would have been a pain ! LOL

  9. John@justneedsvarnish8 February 2025 at 14:01

    Nicely done, Dave! :-) I quite like the new one and it's nice to have the variation in the unit (along with a different weapon).

    1. Thank you John, and yes a bit of variation certainly stops them looking like a bunch of clones ! LOL A new weapon type is always a bonus ! LOL

  10. Very cool, I like your explanation of why the old and new model look a bit different. The male one looks like it has a lion's mane, very fitting.

    1. Thank you snapfit, a lions mane works, my original thinking was male birds tend to have the more decorative plumage, but both ideas work.
