Friday 28 June 2024


 As July draws to a close, so do my entries for Forgotten Heroes, I've gone through another blitz of background characters, first is Pucumir Thryss, you can see this character get very upset when Luke kills the Rancor, but he does appear in other shots as well.

Next is Nizuc Bek, now some of you may be thinking isn't that Velken that Dave showed last time, well they obviously shop in the same store, and have a couple of subtle differences, their helms are different, and Nizuc doesn't have a shoulder pad.

Next is Ardon Crell, this was a pretty simple build, but more tricky on the painting.

Next is Taym Dren-Garen, the only time I saw this one, was when Luke was fighting on top of Jabba's Sailbarge.

As I started the challenge with robots, I thought I would end the challenge with a robot as well, and here is the poor Gonk droid, that we saw being tortured in the bowels of the Palace.

Here is a group shot of all the characters I managed to finish this year.

Now I need to decide what to do for Season of Scenery, so until next time, stay safe and have fun !

Cheers Dave

Monday 24 June 2024


 Yes it's that time again, to dust off those scenery projects and take part in this years challenge. As with previous years all scenery counts, from a traffic cone (pylon in other countries) right up to a full gaming board. There is no minimum or maximum to what you do, or whether it's already been started, it's all about getting bits completed, as with previous years I will be including vehicles as well, and it doesn't matter what the scale is either. The start will be the 1st of July and conclude on 31st of August, I will of course give an additional week for people to get all their posts up before doing the roundup. Below are some of last years awesome entries to inspire you.

If you are interested in taking part, please leave a comment below, and if I don't already follow your blog, please include a link. If you are unable to comment on here you can always email me directly at 

That's all for today, so until next time, stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave

Friday 21 June 2024


 This isn't a Ballroom Blitz, but a blitz of modelling and painting, as I've managed to get 5 more denizens completed for Jabba's Palace, the first is Velken Tezeri who was a human on the skiff carrying the heroes to the Sarlacc Pit.

Next we have  Laudica, this is the last female model needed so a sub section completed, she was seen in the background a couple of times and looking into the Rancor pit.

Next is Vul Tazaene who is listed as a bodyguard, this one is very much a background character, as you only really see his head and shoulders.

Fozec on the other hand appears in multiple shots, and helping, plus R2 spills a drink on him on the sail barge.

Last today is Rayc Ryjerd, this shorter character pops up occasionally but is easily spotted on yhe Sail Barge.

Hoping to get a few more finished before the end of the challenge, but the next post will be setting up Season of Scenery, so until next time, stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave