Friday 30 October 2020


 No I'm not hailing our good friend Roger, I'm declaring my first squad of B1 Battle droids finished. These are pretty much straight from the box, with two arm swaps as the unit has two duplicates in it, and I do like variation.

I chose not to add any markings other than the leader droid as this was the way they appeared in the first two films. The colour scheme is quite time consuming but effective in my opinion, I also chose to do the bases different to my Imperial Assault models, to define which models are for which system, and this is how my other boards are done.

That's all for this post, so until next time stay safe and have fun !

Cheers Dave

Tuesday 27 October 2020


 Needing a break from painting tan and white, I decided to clear one of my Dark Eldar models, so I painted up my Voidraven Bomber. I've had this model since it's release, but never really had the enthusiasm to paint it due to the style was too Eldar like for my taste. I prefer the original style models as they don't look like spikey Eldar versions, If I had managed to get the Forgeworld version, I would have not bothered with this one at all, but unfortunately left it too late and it had been removed from sale. 

I've kept the style in line with my Kabal army, as my two Forgeworld fighters were done in this scheme, as it was only stated in the second edition that the pilots were from the Wych cults, so not in my army ! LOL

I've painted the Kabal logo on the top as well, the Kabal of the bloodied claw.

While I had the paints mixed up I also finished off my Cronos Parasite Engine, all my Talos models are the original model, as I wasn't just replacing them because a new model had been brought out, but the Parasite Engine wasn't in the original list so could warrant this addition. The colour scheme ties into my Court of Pain flesh cult. All three of my armies use the same set of colours just in different ways so they tie together but each stand out from each other.

Right back to painting tan and white, so until next time stay safe and have fun !

Cheers Dave

Friday 23 October 2020


 Have finished all four of the Droidekas, the two in rolling configuration, and the two in open format.

Remembered to post the reference pictures by putting them in first to help Star Wars Phobes as John called them ! LOL

Really happy with how the metals turned out on these, and actually tried blending the metallics for the first time. I would like to have a go at making some shields for these at some point.



I've also painted up a couple more R2 units for my Imperial Assault R2-X2 and R2-Q2 both of which appeared in New Hope.

I've also painted up a power droid that I found on Ebay produced by WOTC


In these strange times it's good to keep an eye out for your blogging friends, as you never know what may have happened. Now I've seen most people either on here, or on other blogs, or on other social media, or by direct contact, but there is two I've noticed not being around Wouter and Dai, has anyone heard from them ?

That's all for this post so until next time stay safe and have fun !

Sunday 18 October 2020


 Today's post is some new products I'm about to release, to enhance spaceship control rooms or buildings.

First up is the touch screen consoles, these come blank so you can put whatever symbols on it you want, as you can see there is a central one, a left hand console, and there is a right hand console that is a mirror of the left. (just haven't painted it yet) Each one comes with a swivel chair as part of the set.

Next up is an alien console with standing chair, I've gone for a very organic feel to these as if they're grown rather than constructed.

Last up today is the cyborg charging booth, which I showed back during the Summer of Scenery Challenge, the base disc is small enough to fit within a 25 mm base so models wont teeter on it.

That's all for todays post, so until next time stay safe and have fun !

Cheers Dave

Thursday 15 October 2020


 Phil over at dizbustersge had suggested doing a model in memory of Bryan Scott who passed back in March, had hoped he'd just been quiet while recuperating, but Phil confirmed my worst fears and suggested we dedicate a model to him during Zomtober as a tribute.

Roger last night came up with the idea of a-vamp-for-vampifan as he had a passion for Vampirella, which I thought was a great idea.

I already had a vampire that I started many years ago, which was a gift from a friend, and I believe it was a Reaper model produced in metal. Now I don't have an undead force of any kind so thought I would make it into a little vignette of a vampire rising from the grave.

As you can see above I added a couple of graves to the base, to add to the feel and an area to look like something had emerged from the grave. This was my first attempt at sheer clothing and was inspired by the art of Chris Achilleos, who is one of my favourite artists.

That's all for this post, so until next time stay safe and have fun !

Cheers Dave

Sunday 11 October 2020


 For my Birthday my inlaws got me a box of Star Wars Legion Clone Wars era. Now I've always liked the idea of large battles in the Star Wars universe, but didn't want to restart what I'd already done with Imperial assault, but a different era didn't matter that the scale was different.

This week I've got the test pieces for each faction painted, first was Obi Wan, but I've just realised I haven't finished his equipment belt, so need to rectify that.

I decided to paint my clone troopers in the markings of the 212 th to compliment Obi Wan

General Grievous was next and went with the two light sabre option as I really wanted to paint his cloak

Next was a B1 battle droid

And the last test piece was an open Droideka, the box comes with two of these, and two in rolling form

The model detail is very good, but some of the parts are very fiddly, and the material is a form of plastic that doesn't work well with plastic glue, but works better with super glue.

That's all for this post so until next time stay safe and have fun !

Cheers Dave