Thursday, 30 January 2025


 For Christmas not only did I get more Star Wars miniatures, I also got some reinforcements for my Kroot army, yes I know last year I said it was finished then GW released a whole bunch of new models, so it was probably a given it was going to increase ! LOL So what have I got to show today, it's the new Kroot Lone-Spear, the rider I've done in the normal colours for the army, just a bit of a darker shade to normal.

The colour scheme for the chameleonic Kalamandra, I've gone for a Chameleon colour scheme, yes I could have gone with GW's colours but as I haven't for the rest of the army, why start now ! LOL Below is the reference picture I used as the basis.

One thing I noticed was the the colours seem to be dots all over the body, so used this as the method to paint the whole beast, never liked doing this process in art which is called pointillism, but actually enjoyed doing this a lot more. That's all for today, so until next time stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave


  1. But... but... but this crazy! I love what you achieved here, both in colours and technique, it's a bold decision that clearly paid off

    1. Thank you Suber, being a larger model, could really go to town with the markings, although my old art teacher would say it's wrong as I laid down base colours first before the doing all the dots, just to make sure the whole model had paint on it ! LOL

  2. Amazing paint job. I love the way you take real world creatures as inspiration

    1. Thank you misterc, nature is so full of fantastic colour schemes, seems silly not to use them ! LOL

  3. Taking inspiration from the chameleon was an excellent idea! The Kroot looks excellent overall and its important to take an occasional break from all the Star Wars stuff from time to time too haha. I used to not like stippling because I felt I wasn't very good at it but I've found that with practice, you start to get a bit more confidence and enjoy it more. It helps to have a really fine tipped brush too!

    1. Thank you Jeff, as this creature wasn't a distant cousin to the Kroot, I thought I could go a little wild, and nature has so much to pull from ! LOL To be honest if I had enough models I'd be happy to paint Star Wars all year long, as long as it wasn't all stormtroopers ! LOL Stippling can be tough, how much pressure to apply, how much paint on the brush, I use it when I need it, which isn't often.

  4. Came out looking great! I think the last time I heard the word pointillism I was reviewing my daughter’s homework. 😀

    1. Thank you Stewart, to be honest this is the first time I'd thought about it since I learnt it in school ! LOL

  5. Eye-meltingly good colour scheme, Dave. I'd never have had the patience for such a paint-job, so much kudos to you for doing so.

    1. Thank you Simon, as it's only one in the army, I didn't mind the extra time it took, but wouldn't want to have to do a unit of them ! LOL

  6. Great work, love how colourful it is. First time I've heard of the point painting style, it definitely paid off!

    1. Thank you snapfit, needed a big creature to take advantage of this colour scheme, so it seemed fitting. Since school this was the first time I'd thought of using it on a model, as the reference seemed to be made up of dots.

  7. Lovely finish, nice to do something exotic on a one off figure!
    Best Iain caveadsum1471

    1. Thank you Iain, indeed one off's you can really go to town on, as you don't need to repeat it ! LOL

  8. Oh man I love those colors, so very bright but not too much so that it looks cartoonish.

    1. Thank you SD, yes a tricky balance, but the reference made it all possible ! LOL

  9. Love the model (All the new Kroot love by GW is hard to resist in all honesty.) and your scheme choice is perfect mate and well executed too!

    1. Thank you Dai, there are indeed some very nice additions, although I'm greedy and have a long wish list ! LOL A Chameleon seemed like the perfect reference to me ! LOL

  10. John@justneedsvarnish8 February 2025 at 13:58

    Really nice, Dave! :-) The lizard/beastie thingy looks really good, all the more so for it being based on a real reptile!

    1. Thank you John, if nature provides the reference, then I'm likely to use it ! LOL
