Tuesday 30 July 2024


 Bit later than normal, as I was taken ill over the weekend, thankfully over the worst of it and now back on this mammoth project.

So what is the title about, well all the additional bits today were made from the offcuts of the walls, I was careful  to use each length of foamcore so that I only had some small offcuts left at the end of the process, but these pieces would make the buttressing needed around the main building.

I've also used the offcuts to make the hitching posts, roof vent, and door frame around Chalmun's quarters, I still need to add the rings on the hitching posts, which I will make either out of greenstuff or wire, depending how well each works.

Offcuts were also used on the buttressing around the additional building.

I've also started building the roof, this was cut out of hardboard, so it is light, but fairly strong, need to join the two pieces together, and find a way of securing the roof, I might go for magnets.

Don't know what bit to work on next, but hope to have something by next time, so until then, stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave

Friday 26 July 2024


 The last bit of construction within the cantina, was the bar and the walls it attaches to, I've made them removable, so as to make it easier for photography.

As you can see in the picture below, there is an entrance way into the bar, this needs a curtain over it, but haven't decided whether to to do it with cloth and PVA or greenstuff yet, but plenty of time for that. The central counter still needs it's pipes and large containers added, which will need working out.

Sorry it's such a short post today, as you can imagine being away meant I didn't get a lot done, although I did have a funny email this week from Linked In telling me that I had Warner Brothers, Lucasfilm, and Paramount studios look at my profile, no job offers yet, but who knows ! LOL Until next time stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave

Sunday 21 July 2024


 With the main walls for the inside of the cantina built as I showed last time, and here is a reminder

I next needed to build the outer sections these make up storage rooms, vehicle port, the entrance way and Chalmun's quarters. Using the same foamcore as I previously had and also some thicker 20 mm thick foamcore, I now have this.

Chalmun's dome, was a lot of work, but an iconic part of the building, it was built from foamcore to begin with, and then it took three different filing attempts to get the right shape and texture.

here's a reminder of what it should look like according to the reference.

These outer sections have been glued down to the base board, and also help keep all the inner sections in place.

If you are wondering what the square in the background is this will be the stall that you can see in the reference picture above.

A couple of bits to note, are the doors that actually slide as shown below.

And in the entrance way the wall lip that in the movie had loads of glasses left on it, I've included a reference picture to show what I mean.

I still need to add in all the buttressing around the building, and hitching points, and then sort out the bar, and the roof, and should be able to start painting, and then will be all the detailing. 

Some of you maybe wondering why I'm posting a day earlier than normal, well I'll be away from the computer this week, so won't be able to comment on your lovely blogs until I get back, hopefully I will have something to post at the end of the week but no guarantees ! LOL So until next time, stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave 

Friday 19 July 2024


 I certainly hope they don't with the amount of work I've put in this week ! LOL This week has seen a lot of work on getting the inner walls that are sunken into the base done, I've also been texturing them as I go, so that they will be ready for painting. 

Once I got the two inner sections done, I also added the raised flooring around them, this helped hold the two halves in place, as I wanted them removable after seeing Michael's so that it would make it easier for photography later on, as these pictures below show.

Next I want to get on with the outer structures, like the storage rooms, vehicle port, and Chalmun's quarters as this will give me the overall footprint for the piece, so until next time, stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave

Monday 15 July 2024


 So what am I doing next for Season of Scenery ? My initial plan was to either do the kitchen for Jabba's Palace, the droid torture area, or scratch build a Jawa Sandcrawler, that was until I saw the awesome cantina that James and Michael built cantina-build and Michaels atmospheric shots cantina and I really wanted my own one, especially as I've only got three named characters left to do for it's denizens and a couple of unnamed ones, and looking at Michael's one it solved a couple of problems that had been stumping me. So where to start, first we need some plans, I found a great cutout picture that showed a lot of details.

I also needed a floor plan, and remembered I had one on the Yodapedia download I had.

So first thing was to scale this up onto a base board.

The first thing I realised after placing some tables, and benches in, was the private cubicles were too deep, and the area between the bar and the cubicles too small to allow people at the bar, and the tables that should be against the walls, so as I construct the walls I shall move them slightly to create the right space in both. I've also got to add a second layer of board in the outside areas, so it becomes the same depth as my gaming boards 20 mm , this will also allow me to have steps down into the cantina from the entrance way.

So who else is taking part in this years challenge, well here's the list so far :


tllw Stewart has made a great start on his trench boards for his Quar games


262krieg DAM has already completed 4 Adeptus Titanicus buildings, with many more on the way

spacedinosaurminis SD has already completed some awesome Star Wars Armada ships, and naval ships

justneedsvarnish John has already finished his first 20 mm Italian building






imperialrebelork Luke has already finished 3 Russian vehicles



There is still plenty of time to participate, as I have seen many models that would qualify on the following blogs oldschoolworkshop caveadsum1471 28mmvictorianwarfare gurupig remember you only need to finish one vehicle or piece of scenery, in any scale to participate, and you have until the end of August.

That's all for this post, hopefully next time there will be a bit more three dimensional work to be seen, so until then, stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave

Friday 12 July 2024


I'll do the maintenance myself, There's an advantage to people thinking you're dead ! 

The above quote is from the Book of Boba Fett, talking about his ship Slave-1, and I've now finished my version of it.

I enjoyed the painting, but the hardest part was finding multiple angle shots of the same version, as the paintwork seems to change slightly every time it makes an appearance, so in the end, I went with an approximation that I was happy with. I do still need to work out a flying stand, but that's a project for another day ! LOL

Below is two of the reference pictures I used to help.

It looked okay in just the basic colours, but the weathering glazes really gave it life in my opinion. So what next, well you'll have to wait till next time, so until then, stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave 

Monday 8 July 2024


 The hobby can sometimes feel like it is a machine, and then throw in OCD you can very much feel like a slave to it ! LOL So where am I going with this you may ask, well you may remember back in October, my wife and children got me a toy of the Slave-1 firespray gunship. Now there are several bits that needed to change before painting it, here is a reminder of what it arrived like.

On the front there was some lugs that needed removing, as these were for adding extra guns which I didn't need, there was also a couple of screw holes that needed filing, and the cockpit needed to be blended in, all of this was quite basic work, but would bring the toy up to the next level.

Then we come to the engine area, wow this was going to be a task and a half, there was a big hollow where there should be a raised section, and a lot of the details were wrong, I decided to go with an approximation style as a lot of the details that are in the preformed plastic aren't 100 % accurate, and below is where I've got to.

Below is a reference picture to show what it should look like.

As you can see there are a lot of differences, but short of starting from scratch, this will do, and I can now get on with the painting, that's all for this post, so until next time stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave

Friday 5 July 2024


 For my first entry for the Season of Scenery, I've gone for a simple painting of a TIE Bomber, my children got me this 3D print for Fathers Day, and it is good to get it painted and keep up to date on my models.

I tried a new way to fill the ridges on the fuselage by putting a layer of liquid greenstuff over it, and then sanding it down before painting, to be honest I should have done a second layer, but got impatient ! LOL This could be a good way of filing in lines on 3D prints, the only drawback is you need a fresh pot of liquid greenstuff, as once it's open it starts drying out. I left off the heavy weathering on the paintwork as not to highlight the ridges that remain. That's all for todays post, so until next time, stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave