Monday 2 September 2024


 The dust has settled on another manic Season of Scenery, and some fantastic entries from all who took part, don't worry if you haven't had time to post yours up, as I'll be waiting at least another 10 days before doing my roundup, so you still have time to get those last bits posted.

For me I didn't want to just leave my big project unfinished to next year (we all know I have the patience of a gnat ! LOL) so where to start, the closest bit to being finished was the roof, as all it needed was a couple of gubbinz added and painting. I chose to only add a couple on this side so the side with the domes has a lot more.

As you can see from the overall shot I finished Chalmun's roof as well (wasn't going to call it his dome ! LOL) here is a detail shot showing the extra structure on it, had to find a dome in the movie with this piece on it to work out the details.

Here are some extra detail shots of different sections.

Now in my last post Jeff said he couldn't see Hem Dazon so just for Jeff, I moved him into the limelight.

Don't know which section I'll move onto next, but it all needs finishing, just one step at a time. Until next time stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave


  1. Splendid looking build and details, the dome is great!
    Best Iain caveadsum1471

    1. Thank you Iain, it's been fun, even if exhausting at times ! LOL

  2. It's amazing how fast you put this all together. nice job.
    I won't be adding anything to my project in the next 10 days, so I'll just take the honorable mention. LOL 😁

    1. Thank you Stewart, not as quick as I would have liked but, not a bad speed, as I keep adding details it will probably keep appearing for many months to come ! LOL
      I will be sure to add your very honorable mention, no worries.

  3. This has been a truly awesome build mate, playability and meticulous attention to detail, even showed it too a chap at work who's a Star Wars fan and his reaction was....WOW!!

    Also thanks for running this great challenge again this year. Cheers Roger.

    1. Thank you Roger, there are times I wish I could get past my OCD and make a simple piece, and not worry about how many red or blue lenses there should be, but that wouldn't be me ! LOL Glad a fellow fan liked the progress.
      No worries on the challenge, as we all know scenery is normally on the bottom of the list to get finished, so it's only right they have there spotlight to ! LOL

  4. John@justneedsvarnish3 September 2024 at 13:22

    The finished roof looks really good, Dave! :-) Overall, an impressive model! I think I may well finish some extra scenery as well while I think about what to do next!

    1. Thank you John, it's funny how after the challenge, scenery can still be there in our thoughts ! LOL

  5. It's not until you see some of the old WotC Star Wars figures that you realise just what a monumental piece of scenery this is that you've built, Dave. Fantastic stuff, and it could easily be mistaken as a real film set in some of those pics - imho.

    1. Thank you Simon, there is a large mix of the old WOTC models, scratch built's and Imperial Assault, and a few Legion models as well, so had to make sure it worked with all the scales, so went larger rather than smaller. Got a lot more planned to add even more detail around the building so will hopefully look even more like screen shots ! LOL

  6. Thank you for the picture of Hem! It isn't the cantina without him (or her?) popping their head up! Its awesome to see the cantina rounding into shape. As others have said, its impressive how quickly you got it done too. When you see what I managed this week, its not going to be flattering for me haha!

    1. Thank you Jeff, I believe Hem is male, so glad I could give him his spotlight shot ! LOL With the roof being completed that is the last of the major construction done, but there is still a ton of details left to do, so could in fact take me up to next years challenge ! LOL
      With the amount of painting work at that high a level, I can fully understand the difference, this is just drybrushing on a really large scale ! LOL
