Monday 3 June 2024


 It's the month of doing obscure characters again, as I'm very busy on commission work, I'm planning small, but if I get time I'll do more, if you want to read more on the rules check out Jez's blog carrioncrowsbuffet . So which realm am I doing this year, I'm returning to my favourite realm Star Wars, and trying to get a bit more of Jabba's Palace completed so the first one is EV-9D9 the robot we first met in the robot torture room assessing 3PO and R2, now the style of robot has now also been seen in the Madalorian, and the Book of Boba Fett.

What's that he isn't really that obscure, well this next one is BG-J38, if you blinked you missed him as he was one of those really background characters.

Traditionally you show the base model you are converting, but these two are going to be scratchbuilds using plastic rod and greenstuff, so nothing to show2 here ! LOL

To get me in the mood for the challenge I've painted up a couple of obscure characters, that I recently purchased, first up is Colonel Yularen, in the original movie, he was just a guy sat in the briefing room, with Grand Moff Tarkin, and Darth Vader, but since then he has been a huge part of the Clone Wars, Rebels, and more recently Andor.

Next is General Dodonna, in the original movie he actually had lines and did the briefing on the attack of the Death Star, but has since also appeared in Rebels, and Rogue One

Next is a Trandoshan Hunter, this was a freebie, from the seller.

This next one was also a freebie, and after a bit of research I found it was a T3 astromech, you've not heard of them, well neither had I, but they are from the Old Republic video games.

It reminds me of the robot YIP from the Star Wars rip off the Humanoid.

Well that's all for today, so until next time, stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave


  1. John@justneedsvarnish3 June 2024 at 09:56

    Nice work on the figures so far, Dave! :-) Will be good to see the droids! I can actually remember seeing "The Humanoid" at the cinema when it came out, although I can't now remember anything about it!

    1. Thank you John, did thoroughly enjoy painting the miniatures, and hope I can get the robots right. Funnily enough I saw it in the cinema as well, I remember Richard Kiel was the star, and the robot dog name, but the other details are very sketchy ! LOL

  2. Really cool job, and it's always nice to discover new models and characters (well, droids!) from the movies :)

    1. Thank you Suber, hopefully I can get these two finished, and then throw in some really obscure ones ! LOL

  3. cool star war stuff. good luck with the droid builds. 😁

    1. Thank you Stewart, they are going slowly, the extra build for using up the greenstuff is actually going quicker ! LOL

  4. Weird, I had thought you did the 'torture droid' or maybe he was just referenced in a post. Or maybe my brain is getting way too old, haha! Nice choices for Forgotten Heroes though! I like Yularen and Dodonna. Not often that you see minis for the background characters like that! :D

    1. Thank you Brian, I did do the white droid from that scene a while ago, so it could be that one you're thinking of ! LOL They are certainly proving a challenge for me, which is a good thing. The joys of the 3D printing world means I can get hold of models I didn't think I would be able to ! LOL

  5. A nice eclectic bunch of characters, always cool to find some that I had never heard of.

    1. Thank you SD, may have a few surprise ones yet, as that build seems to be going quicker than the droids ! LOL

  6. Smashing work Dave as always, the painted figs look great. Those robots look pretty fiddly in the appendage department so best of luck there mate (I'm sure you have a cunning plan in mind though! 😉).

    I haven't seen the "Humanoid" for years, what a good, bad movie that is! another one with Richard Keil and Barbara Bach, so not all bad (not quite all anyway! 🤣).

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Thank you Roger, they are proving very time consuming, and can only get a little bit done on them each day, so as not to squish the work I've done, but hopefully I can show some progress tomorrow, and I never like making things easy for myself ! LOL
      I remember seeing it in the cinema as a kid and thinking it was great, then later watching it as a teenager on video, and thinking what did I see in this movie ! LOL it's amazing how you're perspective can change over time.

  7. Very nice work all around, Dave. If you want to test someone and see if they're a "real" Star Wars fan, ask them if they know who Dodonna is haha! I look forward to seeing more of the torture droid. That is definitely a memorable one from Jabba's Palace!

    1. Thank you Jeff, he's probably better known now, as he has appeared in more movies and series than the original movie ! LOL ED-9V9 was a very iconic droid in the movie, so needed to have one at some point, if I can I'd like to get all the robots and aliens finished this month, then I'm just left with the human contingent ! LOL
