Thursday 9 May 2024


 I've actually finished this quicker than expected, but will probably mean no Monster May(hem) post next week, but we'll have to see how that goes. So here is the one from the movie that I've based the model on

Then this is quite different from the basic GW model which looks like the below picture.

So after a fair bit of greenstuff work I ended up with this.

As you can see from above I added the driver as well, not just the details to the tusks and front legs, I also add to blend out a lot of the seam lines as the detail didn't line up well, and if I was doing all this work I needed a good base to work from, happy with the end result though. So that's all for today, so until next time stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Phil, the driver took almost as long as the extra details on the tusks and legs, but was worth it for the overall look.

  2. What a wondrous work, it's really cool

    1. Thank you Suber, after I finished I saw the one Forgeworld did, which is very similar, except they didn't have the leg details ! LOL

  3. Fantastic work on this one, Dave! The Mumak is a seriously impressive miniature. Quite possibly the best one GW made for LOTR though I suppose Smaug is certainly in competition too. The extra work on the driver paid off too. They're a lot of fun in the movies and cool looking minis in their own right!

    1. Thank you Jeff, I always thought it was the best scene in the third movie, and would be cool to create it model form, but after the amount of work this one took, I'll just stick with this one ! LOL The drivers added a lot of character to the scene, so would be rude not to include one on here.

  4. Great job. I especially like all the extras added.
    It’s a huge model isn’t it. But so very iconic. You really nailed it. 😀

    1. Thank you Stewart, your right about it being a big model, and even though I've painted bigger, this one was more awkward with all the bits sticking out, the amount of times I caught on a piece while turning, lets just say the air was blue ! LOL

  5. Very good looking model, a proper monstrous entry for your challenge!

    1. Thank you SD, it will likely be my largest entry this year (or will it ? LOL)

  6. Fantastic work, Dave. I'm always in awe of what you churn out, year after year. A model that big is daunting, to say the least. I personally always have trouble with large models, because I can't focus on the finished product when I keep looking at so much that's "in progress", so it's always a triumph when I actually finish one!

    1. Thank you Keith, agree large models can be very daunting, I try to approach an area at a time, and not think pass that part until it's finished, so for this one I did the skin first, then tackled wood then bindings, and then the skin areas, once that was done, tackle each of the details, and before I knew it it was done, it's just trying to remember all the details ! LOL

  7. Great work Dave, the painting is spot on, especially the warpaint. I also like the added details like the driver - at first I thought you used the addon kit that GW sells.

    1. Thank you snapfit, took a bit of googling to find the relevant image to work from, but glad the research paid off. I only saw the kit after I'd finished it, but couldn't find it on either the GW site, or Forgeworld, would have been good to find what price they were selling it for ! LOL

  8. Splendid looking LOTR monster, it looks great!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you Iain, nice to finally have it finished, and cleared out of the back log ! LOL

  9. Dave, this is absolutely awesome! Fantastic work and it looks spectacular!

    1. Thank you Matt, I see it as a centrepiece of an army, so needs the extra treatment ! LOL

  10. Ah, now that base makes perfect sense! I was thinking it was some sort of battle, but the mammoth trampling through is perfect! Great work!!

    1. Thank you Brian, yes the base is standard to the model, to add to the scenic nature of the whole piece, and fits perfectly with the scene from the movie.

  11. John@justneedsvarnish30 May 2024 at 07:52

    Impressive! :-) Looks much better with your mods and the warpaint as well!

    1. Thank you John, Seen a few with the warpaint, and Forgeworld did a conversion kit for this one, but it didn't add the leg detail, so was glad to do the conversion from scratch, to get it right to the movie reference.
