Sunday 21 July 2024


 With the main walls for the inside of the cantina built as I showed last time, and here is a reminder

I next needed to build the outer sections these make up storage rooms, vehicle port, the entrance way and Chalmun's quarters. Using the same foamcore as I previously had and also some thicker 20 mm thick foamcore, I now have this.

Chalmun's dome, was a lot of work, but an iconic part of the building, it was built from foamcore to begin with, and then it took three different filing attempts to get the right shape and texture.

here's a reminder of what it should look like according to the reference.

These outer sections have been glued down to the base board, and also help keep all the inner sections in place.

If you are wondering what the square in the background is this will be the stall that you can see in the reference picture above.

A couple of bits to note, are the doors that actually slide as shown below.

And in the entrance way the wall lip that in the movie had loads of glasses left on it, I've included a reference picture to show what I mean.

I still need to add in all the buttressing around the building, and hitching points, and then sort out the bar, and the roof, and should be able to start painting, and then will be all the detailing. 

Some of you maybe wondering why I'm posting a day earlier than normal, well I'll be away from the computer this week, so won't be able to comment on your lovely blogs until I get back, hopefully I will have something to post at the end of the week but no guarantees ! LOL So until next time, stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave 


  1. Wow this is a project and a half mate! lovely work so far though.
    Cheers Roger.

    1. Thank you Roger, you know me mate, go big or go home ! LOL

  2. Wow Dave, the attention to detail is breathtaking.

    1. Thank you Michael, lots more detail to go, might need a shopping trip soon to find some bits though ! LOL

  3. Looking great, Dave! Love the sliding doors. Will you be able to remove the dome top? How many entrances/exits does the bar have?

    1. Thank you Brian, an enormous amount of time, but a fun little extra detail I like, Yes the dome top is removable, and hollow, for being able to add the internal walls below. The bar only has one entrance, the door to the side of the main entrance is to a storage room, the two doors at the back of the cantina, lead to the vehicle port, and the below ground bar, and then Chalmun's quarters have a separate door that goes straight to the outside.

  4. Project is moving fast. Love the sliding doors. 😁

    1. Thank you Stewart, silly details that take more time than they should, but keeps me happy ! LOL

  5. I'm gone for a little over a week and you've already planned and built so much of the structure, really neat to see it all come together.

    1. Thank you SD, Once I started, it all seemed to make a lot more sense, with my next post all the main construction should be finished.

  6. The cantina is definitely coming together! I hope that you were away for something fun. I always hate having to leave home for something that isn't!

    1. Thank you Jeff, making sure it's exactly what I want, so I don't have to build another ! LOL Yes off having quality family time, thank you, and I don't like the other reasons either ! LOL

  7. John@justneedsvarnish27 July 2024 at 03:57

    Quite a bit more added sine the previous post, Dave! :-) Nice work on the dome!

    1. Thank you John, walls are easier, the dome took a lot of work ! LOL

  8. Looks awesome (again) - can we see some figure scale shots in one of the next updates?

    1. Thank you Azazael, will remember to include some more figure shots in future posts for you.
