Friday 28 June 2024


 As July draws to a close, so do my entries for Forgotten Heroes, I've gone through another blitz of background characters, first is Pucumir Thryss, you can see this character get very upset when Luke kills the Rancor, but he does appear in other shots as well.

Next is Nizuc Bek, now some of you may be thinking isn't that Velken that Dave showed last time, well they obviously shop in the same store, and have a couple of subtle differences, their helms are different, and Nizuc doesn't have a shoulder pad.

Next is Ardon Crell, this was a pretty simple build, but more tricky on the painting.

Next is Taym Dren-Garen, the only time I saw this one, was when Luke was fighting on top of Jabba's Sailbarge.

As I started the challenge with robots, I thought I would end the challenge with a robot as well, and here is the poor Gonk droid, that we saw being tortured in the bowels of the Palace.

Here is a group shot of all the characters I managed to finish this year.

Now I need to decide what to do for Season of Scenery, so until next time, stay safe and have fun !

Cheers Dave


  1. Oh my goodness I have missed a steller month here Dave! I love it when you post the screenshot next to your creation, but even then there are some I am not sure that I have seen before. Amazing as always Dave, love them all.

    1. Thank you Michael, keeps me out of trouble ! LOL like to include the reference pictures, incase the character is new to people, so they can see how close or far I managed to get to the character ! LOL The only reason I know all the names was down to finding the wonderful Yodapedia reference sheet, I've got 4 named characters left to do, and a few unamed ones that I have found as well.

  2. Really looking forward to the diorama you have to make now of the palace, can't have all of these characters just floating around with nothing to do!

    1. Thank you SD, I already have the throne room built, which I did a couple of years ago, and the Rancor pit, need to do the kitchen, now I know what it looks like, and also need the cells and robot torture room, maybe this years challenge pieces ! LOL

  3. I was to praise your sense of completion with these characters, but the Gonk droid just left me speechless. I'm absolutely in love with this whole project

    1. Thank you Suber, I think with the unnamed characters I've got about 8 left to do, which I may save until next years challenge ! LOL Glad you liked the Gonk, still need to do the protocol droid in the torture wrack as well.

  4. Every time I come here, I see characters I didn't know existed. How many people hung out at Jabba's palace or on his sail barge? Apparently a shit-ton of people. And they all have names? That's nuts! Awesome green stuff magic as always, Dave. You killed this challenge!

    1. Thank you Keith, there were over a 100 denizens of Jabba's Palace and sailbarge, there are at least three that don't have names, two humans and a Aqualish ! LOL I've only got 8 of them left to build, as I don't need Lando, and Boush as my gaming is set at an earlier time ! LOL

  5. Truly awesome output mate, all of them are great little sculpts, but I have to say (and you know) I'm a sucker for a "Gonk" droid, and though I don't agree with robot cruelty, that is a smashing bit of kit right there!

    And of course they are all well and truly "Forgotten Heroes!" .

    Cheers Roger

    1. Thank you Roger, I've enjoyed getting so many of them finished, and can finally see the finishing post on this part of the project ! LOL Still need the branding rod for the Gonk, but that will come when I make that room. This year has actually been my best output for Forgotten Heroes, and probably the most obscure as well ! LOL

  6. The obvious choice for the scenery challenge is the barge or palace where all these figures can congregate. 😀

    1. Thank you Stewart, I already have Jabba's throne room, probably going to do the kitchen, and if I get time the robot torture room and cells, still working out the plans on the sailbarge ! LOL

  7. Blimey Dave. You've been a veritable sculpting/painting machine throughout July. Clearly your love of Star Wars has kept you wonderfully enthused. What an incredible assortment of scum and villainy you've assembled. Doubtless Michael will be after a few of these to populate his Cantina too. LOL!!

    1. Thank you Simon, it's been a very long road for this part of my project, ever since I got the Jabba's realm box for Imperial Assault, as there over 100 characters in this realm, and I'm now down to less than 10, needed. Funnily enough I've only got 3 characters needed for the cantina, and then that's complete, bar the building ! LOL Michael's one is excellent, and I've already sent him a few characters that would fit in there.

  8. I'm late to the party but your work on these latest background characters is excellent as always! Surely, you're getting to the point where you could put together a Jabba's Palace diorama. If not that, then perhaps the Sail Barge!

    1. Thank you Jeff, as long as you get to the party, that's what counts. If you remember I did the throne room and Rancor pit, but will try to do the kitchen, and robot torture area soon, then at some point I will do the sail barge.

  9. Damn that's a lot of characters, Dave! Well done on all of them, but once again I don't remember most of them, haha! I was wondering, why is the Gonk droid (one of my fave droids!) translucent green?

    1. Thank you Brian, my most productive Forgotten Heroes so far, I rewatched the scene lately just to see which ones I could easily spot, and managed to find another human not listed that's in shot for no more than a few seconds once, another one to add to the list ! LOL Once I made my first Gonk droid, I took a mould so I could cast up more, rather than having to keep building them, and I just so happened to have some left over translucent green resin, when I cast this one ! LOL

    2. Ah, that makes perfect sense!

    3. Don't like to waste resin when I've mixed it for the business, and if it means I get some of the casts I need for my hobby, it's another bonus ! LOL

  10. John@justneedsvarnish5 July 2024 at 13:02

    Some very nice sculpts and minis there, Dave, and quite a varied collection through the challenge! :-)

    1. Thank you John, I think it's what I really liked about the scene not a lot of duplication, which is probably why I liked the cantina scene as well ! LOL

  11. A very cool (well, the Gonk is hot!) collection of custom background characters - even more amazing as you sculpted them all! :o

    1. Thank you Azazael, Indeed the Gonk is a bit hot under collar ! LOL I did cheat a bit this year and used up spare models as the basis, so all I had to do was add clothes and hair, did save a lot of time ! LOL
