Friday 7 June 2024


 Progress has been slow on the two robots, as many of you mentioned they look fiddly, and are ! LOL Only getting a little bit of green on each, before having to stop on that one for the day, but here they are as of today.

I will normally have another model in the works, so I can use up any mixed up greenstuff, rather than wasting it, and as it happened this ended up being much quicker than the original two, so who have I done, well it's Cane Adiss, no idea who I'm talking about, well he is a denizen of Jabba's Palace, and he was only in shot for a few seconds, and behind multiple others, so easy to miss, here is the only reference from the film.

So how to know what it's supposed to look like ? Well I resorted to my go to the action figure range, where I found three versions.

Out of the three I liked the one walking around on two hands, so that's what I've based my green on.

While waiting for green to set, I've also managed to get it into paint.

That's all for today, so until next time, stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave


  1. John@justneedsvarnish7 June 2024 at 09:42

    Good progress, Dave! The Cane Adiss is brilliant, very nicely done indeed! Even though it looks like it was tricky to make you're probably going to say it wasn't that bad! :-)

  2. Thank you John, happy to have got a bulk of the two droids done, the next steps will be slower unfortunately. Soft sculpts are a lot more forgiving, especially when you've got texture to cover up areas that otherwise wouldn't look as good ! LOL

  3. I don't know what a Cane Adiss does in Star Wars, Dave, but you've definitely captured the look and colour scheme of the alien/s super-well. Frankly I feel almost all your Star Wars posts should be Forgotten Heroes entrants mind. LOL!!

    1. Thank you Simon, according to wookiepedia it just says he was a denizen of the palace, maybe he was just a party animal ! LOL with the world of 3D prints, I've made a lot less for this project, but who knows maybe next year I'll just paint Star Wars for the whole year ! LOL

  4. Wow, I'm speechless. Your Star Wars PhD is so epic, what a discovery. Impressive work, and I also like your version most

    1. Thank you Suber, the Yodapedia listing was a huge help in finding so many of the characters, and at least giving me a starting point of their name and species, then lot's of google searches for proper images. For his position in one of the shots I felt the large body one was too big, and there was already a snake like species there, so this one made the most sense to me.

  5. Cane Adiss is a funny character in that I think you only see the heads in the movies. I would have never guessed what the whole creature looked like! I'm pretty sure I only know the character because I collected all of the Jabba's Palace Star Wars cards back in the late 90's/early 2000's myself. Your version looks fantastic and just like the movies.

    1. Thank you Jeff, you are totally correct, you never see more than just the heads and a bit of neck, so the toy companies had pretty much free scope ! LOL When the movie was released very few characters were actually named, most of them got named after in toy lines, or later wookiepedia, to think Ponda Baba was first called Walrus Head ! LOL

    2. Hey now! "Walrus Man" is a perfectly good name, haha!

    3. Well at least it was a name ! LOL

  6. Great progress on the robots (still rather you than me mate! far too fiddly😉) I also have never heard of Cane Adiss, but your mini looks spot on compared to the photo, and I think the option you've chosen is the best one (and most alien too).

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Thank you Roger, they are proving very time consuming ! LOL I'd spotted them but never knew they're name until I found the Yodapedia file which listed all the names, which then made it a lot easier to find pictures for all the characters, hopefully by the end of this years challenge, I'll only have the humans left to do for Jabba's Palace and the cantina, which could always be next years entries.

  7. Very cool, Dave. Did wonder about the robots, as they did look a little fiddly, but I shouldn't have doubted your skill.

    1. Thank you Jez, There is one from Jabba's Palace that is more fiddly Bomar, maybe I'll have time to get that one done this year as well ! LOL

  8. Cane Adiss was a new one on me. I'm always amazed by how many aliens I missed in Jabba's palace, despite seeing the move about 2 dozen times. Great work on all of these, Dave. Looking forward to the robots!

    1. Thank you Keith, I used to have a DVD player, that would go through frame by frame feature, so did the whole Jabba's Palace sequence, just to find as many different characters as I could, but finding the Yodapedia list made it a lot easier to find reference pictures as it had all the names ! LOL Hope to have the robots finished on the sculpting side in the next week, but hopefully I can throw in a few surprises along the way as well ! LOL

  9. You weren't kidding about even more obscure, I didn't even know that alien was in Star Wars. As always your green stuff sculpting looks so good.

    1. Thank you SD, If it was in the scene, I want the model ! LOL There is one that even Yodapedia missed, which is an unnamed Aqualish, so I'll need to do that one at some point, the toyline even released one named that ! LOL

    2. Ha that's amazing! looking forward to seeing the whole gang laid out.

    3. got at least 15 models left to do to complete Jabba's Palace, so may be a while yet ! LOL

  10. Wow, that's a pretty obscure one that I don't remember at all. The next time I watch the movies, I'm sure they will stand out after having seen your minis! I'm sure you've been watching Acolyte? But I can't help noticing all the things in the background and thinking "There's some fodder for Dave!!". :D

    1. Thank you Brian, it's always fun to go back and watch the movies and try to spot the characters , I've got a few more obscure ones in the works as well, for you to look out for as well ! LOL
      I have indeed been watching, and it's always fun to add more ideas to the pool ! LOL

    2. What have you thought about the show so far? I don't read social media, but a friend of mine who does the opposite said it's getting negative feedback. I'll never understand why he goes out and reads all kinds of posts and forms an opinion without watching the thing!!

    3. I avoid social media for those sort of comments ! LOL I've enjoyed it so far, but I went in with no preconceptions, as I don't know much about the pre Republic era, as I've not read any of the books or played any of the computer games, the characters are relatable the story flows well, and obviously we haven't learnt the whole story about what happened at the coven yet, so we have that to come.

    4. Awesome! Yea, I'm enjoying for what it is so far. It probably helps that my daughter is watching it alongside me. With the strong female cast, she's enjoyed it quite a bit too. We'll be watching the next episode tonight. No spoilers from me! :D

    5. Is that episode 3 or 4 as we normally get the latest episode on Wednesday. Good that you can share it with your daughter, the children that live at home with me aren't into Star Wars, but when the older children come to visit, we have large discussions ! LOL

    6. We actually didn't watch this week. But I think episode 4 will be out this Tue or Wed. As a Fathers Day treat, I took my daughter to see the Fellowship of the Rings instead. They are replaying all three extended movies in theaters. She saw it a couple years ago, but doesn't remember most of it. She liked it, but didn't like the theater experience. Haha! So, we're going to watch the others at home. My Wife is sometimes okay with Fantasy, but doesn't like SciFi. So my daughter is my "Only Hope"! ;)

    7. So we get them roughly the same time, over here ours airs on a Wednesday. Do like the extended versions, but can't do long movies in the cinema anymore (back just can't cope) so tend to watch them at home instead. Have the opposite problem my wife prefers Sci-Fi over Fantasy unless it Harry Potter (Fantasy Light ! LOL)

    8. That's interesting that she prefers SciFi over Fantasy. With my Wife, she prefers things that are "real". So Fantasy movies are tolerable, as they are usually grounded in history. Her all time least favorite is anything with time travel/dimensional hopping, so this last phase of the MCU has driven her crazy, haha!

    9. My wife did go and see the Hobbit with me, which she preferred over Lord of the Rings, but no interest in classics like Conan or Willow, I think a lot is down to the age of the film ! LOL Time travel and alternative dimensions can certainly make your head hurt ! LOL It was one of the things I really liked about Terminator Salvation no time travel, and it was way better than T3, Genesis or dark fate ! LOL

  11. Great work, Dave! Cane Adiss is a wonderful alien, reminds me a bit of a giraffe.

    1. Thank you snapfit, I had the same thought, there are lots of animal similarity in Star Wars ! LOL
