Friday 21 June 2024


 This isn't a Ballroom Blitz, but a blitz of modelling and painting, as I've managed to get 5 more denizens completed for Jabba's Palace, the first is Velken Tezeri who was a human on the skiff carrying the heroes to the Sarlacc Pit.

Next we have  Laudica, this is the last female model needed so a sub section completed, she was seen in the background a couple of times and looking into the Rancor pit.

Next is Vul Tazaene who is listed as a bodyguard, this one is very much a background character, as you only really see his head and shoulders.

Fozec on the other hand appears in multiple shots, and helping, plus R2 spills a drink on him on the sail barge.

Last today is Rayc Ryjerd, this shorter character pops up occasionally but is easily spotted on yhe Sail Barge.

Hoping to get a few more finished before the end of the challenge, but the next post will be setting up Season of Scenery, so until next time, stay safe, and have fun !

Cheers Dave


  1. John@justneedsvarnish21 June 2024 at 13:54

    All spot on, Dave! :-) I think Vul Tazaene is my favourite here! And Season of Scenery's almost here again - I think I'll be up for that, even though I'm not currently finishing much. And Ballroom Blitz is one of my all-time favourites!

    1. Thank you John, it's hard for me to pick a favourite as they are all as important in the grand scheme of it, but happy to have some more finished. Be great to have you on board for another year. The song always makes me smile, as it reminds me of Wayne's World ! LOL

  2. Your own personal 3D Wookipedia keeps adding characters, and I think it's truly awesome

    1. Thank you Suber, Im now under 10 named characters left to do, but there is a few unnamed ones that I've found as well ! LOL

  3. Now that is a hive of scum and villainy! If I had to pick a favorite, I'd say it is Velken. You nailed the sculpt and the painting on him for sure.
    I recognize a lot of these background characters and must own cards of some of them (unsurprisingly!). Its amazing how many characters George Lucas added to Jabba's Palace in the Special Edition release. I guess that's why some fans accusing him of being an action figure/toy peddler :)

    1. Thank you Jeff, painting wise I was most pleased with Fozec's skintone to match it, as there isn't a lot of paints marketed for different skintones. To be honest I thought he was quite restrained on additions of new characters in the extended version, with only adding Hermie Odle, and new band members and singers, all the ones in this years posts were in the original movie ! LOL

  4. Those are all very nice.
    What do you do, watch the movies frame by frame picking out characters? ๐Ÿ˜€

    1. Thank you Stewart, I did in fact do just that years ago, to find as many as I could, but when I found the Yodapedia listing it made it a lot easier to find each one, as it gave all the names, while looking for reference pictures ! LOL

  5. You were on a roll! Can't believe how many minis you got done. I remember them all this time, except maybe Laudica. Great work! In other news, Blogger continues to be a pain for me. I tried setting up my account so I could more easily login while posting (and hopefully get email reminders), but nope. I'll have to see if there might be an app, someday when I have more time, I vow to get to the bottom of this! :D
    Wordpress has its issues too though, so just like life, nothing is perfect.

    1. Thank you Brian, hoping I can duplicate my output from this one for the final post, to finish up on a high from this season. Great you recognised these ones and the next time you watch when poor Oola ends up in the pit Laudica is there peering down ! LOL
      I feel your pain, as I used to be able to comment on my phone, but now it only works on my PC, and agreed both have their faults and neither are perfect ! LOL

    2. Yea, I'm doubly annoyed with WP now. They changed (or are in the middle of changing) the interface. Either way, they "streamlined" the navigation, which ends up being more clicks to switch between Reader and Edit views. ARRRRHHGGHHHH!!

    3. They seem to have no consideration for the old, people with OCD, or ADHD, as these sort of changes can cause them a lot of grief !

  6. Bl**dy hell mate, how have you managed to get all of those done in such a sort space of time! and they are all top notch sculpts too! hard to pick a fave but I am in awe of the quilting on the jackets you did for "Vul" and "Velken".

    Cheers Roger.

    1. Thank you Roger, I raided the bits boxes to help speed things along, especially on the faces, as you know they take so much time. The trick I find with the quilting is to make it a little thicker than normal clothing, so you can get a nice deep recess in it, then add creases to suit.

    2. Noted, filed for future reference mate! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ

    3. Always happy to answer questions on greenstuff ! LOL
